What's it Worth? ‘68 Cobra Restomod

Now let me give you what I think, based on the info, the picture and description, googling and past sales at big auctions. This takes into account that it is professional grade work and maintenance.
50k to 60k, this is subjective and only an opinion,
25 to 40
A steal or your lucky day
They are worth what you can get out of them
I tell my friends try buying one if you want a 63 vette
That will give you an idea
Now for your 68 Mustang
How does it run? Drives well? A/C works? (no A/C on restomod will be a deduct)
I see struts and Hydroboost. That works well no noise etc?
If someone is going to make you an offer they will drive the crap out of it and pick it apart for you.
Hold fast and have a stiff upper lip. That car cost considerable money to build and the cobra motor sure has value
Now let me give you what I think, based on the info, the picture and description, googling and past sales at big auctions. This takes into account that it is professional grade work and maintenance.
50k to 60k, this is subjective and only an opinion,
I really appreciate you looking into this. I, too, saw those numbers. I was told it was professionally done however many years ago. Couple years back, I had Charles, Classic Car Studio, Speed is the New Black on Velocity Network, look it over and talk to me about it at a car show. He felt it was done well. I had priced it at about half those prices and wanted to make sure I wasn’t making a mistake. Thank you very much for your opinion. Truly appreciate it.
Yes, thank you. Runs perfectly and drives awesome. AC works. No noises other than the fantastic purr of the engine. Has turned many heads at shows and cruises. I’m reluctant to part but I had to retire early and still have a mortgage to top off. Thank you for the pep talk. Getting several local lookers but haven’t advertised yet.
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lack of knowledge can hamper a sale. One word used in the place of another is confusing (as is the same wrd, as here, used for 2 different items). An indepth description (not names) and possibly "xxx" quotes, around a wrd might assist. Some ppl by-pass (not good for sales) others get angry. U don't wanna run into the latter after a sale as thousands of dollars can do that to some 1 ("I thought I hada xxx! I'll CU in court!"). Good Luck w/sale, glad U found some in the know. Cudos on ya as this (& continued) research will get U far. Thank for showin us ur rig~