03 and up Cobra owners


New Member
Jun 10, 2004
Just got a new job and looks like I will finally be able to afford a new Cobra. Only question is the insurance. I was wondering what you guys pay on average.

I called my insurance company today and was told that they could not give me an accurate quote without a VIN number.

A couple months back when I almost bought a '02 SS it was going to be 255/month for the first 6 months and 211/month after that until I turned 25 so Im expecting more than that.

Basically Im just trying to see if I am wasting my time pursuing this car.

I am 21 with a clean record and the Cobra would be a secondary/leisure vehicle as the Tacoma is the Daily Driver.

Thanks guys.
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My insurance is $900 a year on my 04 Conv. Cobra. It is listed as a leisure vehicle with a 7500 mile annual restriction. I was able to talk to my agent and adjust the policy to provide the best coverage for what I use the vehicle for. Of course, I'm 30 yrs old too, not 21. The agent said that a Cobra is one of the highest risk vehicles to insure right now. I would shop around and talk to a few agents, some may have great ideas to save you a few $$.
Im going to try to figure out something just because I am in love with this car.

Its an '03 but its only got 3k miles on it. Dealership is asking 28,500 for it. I don't know how fast these cars depreciate but thats the cheapest I have found.

Black '04 i looked at was 36. Thanks for the reply though.
You didn't state where you lived. Living in certain states and in or near big cities will have an effect on your cost. So will your age. Statistics drive insurance costs. See what you pay for living anywhere in New Jersey. Oy!

I don't remember what I pay. It isn't all that much. I get home owners and the multi-car discount. I am 46 with a perfect driving record, which helps drive down the expense.

I think that most insurers consider Mustangs Mustangs, if you know what I mean. My Cobra is no more to insure than a GT or a standard 'Stang. Parts is parts. If it fits on my Cobra, it fits on your standard V6. See above for why it will cost you more than it costs me.

Good luck on your purchase!

:flag: :nice:
......in NJ....

IM in NJ dohhhh

The thing to do here is drive two cars. My Volvo is my daily driver and the stang is my recreational vehicle...

I was paying 2280 a year...then when I showed the insurance comp. my AAA Safe Drivers Class Certificate my premium went down to 2100 a year.... and now that my 5 pts have been applied im up to..........2520 a year.....not bad considering......140 in a 65......ended up officially with a 116 in a 65

What kills me is that if the pts were applied to the VOlvo my premium was going to go up $400 a year but if the mustang was my daily driver the premium would have gone up $3400.00 a year!!!!!!! YIKES

SO buy a junker to call you daily driver and insure your stang as a rec vehicle...I also signed away my right to sue in NJ....its really fffed up that you can even do that but Ill do anything to pay those crooks (insuarance comp.) less.....

Cant wait till the stang is payed off $6000 to go..then im getting the most basic insurance on it...