As far as the 4 clyinder T 5 being so much weaker then the V8 one, I wont tell any of the guys running 10's 11's or 12's on one, so its our little secret.
Ryan, do you know if you car has gears? Could it possibly have been a converted auto with the 3.27's in the rear? Reason i ask , is that alot of people like the gearing a 4 banger tranny gives with the 3.08's and its not that noticeable on the freeway. Just wondering.
You bell housing is fine. It has to be a V8 bell to even bolt up to your motor so it must be fine.
How did the tranny "blow up"? Reason I ask again , is that a special input shaft bushing is required to run a 4 cly T5 behind a V8 because of the smaller diameter input shaft tip. Without this bushing/bearing the input shaft is not supported , and it will cause it to break pretty quick. Could be the reason.
So with that in mind, if you do for sure go for a V8 tranny replacment, your going to need to get that bushing out and out in the right one.
Other then that , your driveshaft is fine as is your crossmember and bell housing, Fork , clutch , and throwout bearing.