"5.0" Badge Location


Founding Member
Sep 19, 2002
Hello all,

I have just completed repainting our 87' LX. When I took the old badges off of the car, I measured everything so that I could put them back on in the same location. My problem is I can't find my measurements for the location of the "5.0" badges. :doh: :bang::bang::bang:

Can anyone help me out??? I guess I need distance from the door/fender edge to the badge, and either distance from the molding up to the badge, or from molding flare line on the fender up to the badge.

Thanks in advance!
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I personally like the look of the 5.0 badges rather than going badgeless. I positioned mine in a spot that I though looked good....then I measured the one so that the other side was exactly the same. I positioned mine right in the middle of the door seam and where the fender starts, and about 1/2" up from the molding.
illwood said:
Go "Badge Delete" so that people won't know what hit them. :nice:

exactly thats what I have





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who measures it? lol just stick them on the fender - i didnt measure either one of mine, just look at some pics and go throw them on, nobody at a car show is gonna knock points off for a cm off! Get new ones too - dont use ur old ones cuz usually theyr faded, adn just get shiny new ones if u didnt already
Paul Perreca
iwashmycar said:
2 3/8" from door line, 4"from fender to bottom corner of emblem, and about 1 3/4" up from the molding. :nice:

Thanks! :nice: Beleive it or not those were the numbers I remembered, just couldn't find where I wrote them down. BTW your car looks great!

Paul - I've got new 5.0 badges, ford emblems for the front and back and a new LX badge. Plus new headlights and door handles. The car looks amazing with the new badges, like it just rolled off the show room floor. :D
Paul Perreca said:
who measures it? lol just stick them on the fender - i didnt measure either one of mine, just look at some pics and go throw them on, nobody at a car show is gonna knock points off for a cm off! Get new ones too - dont use ur old ones cuz usually theyr faded, adn just get shiny new ones if u didnt already
Paul Perreca

I just looked at pictures also....but I did measure so both sides were the same. If one side was a centimeter different from the other it would drive me INSANE! :crazy:
saw a guy around town with his "5.0" badges about 4 inches above the belt moulding. I'll tell ya what, i don't blame you for being anal about it, because it caught my eye from across the street! After i saw that i noticed cobra badges all over his car....ugh i hate that....if you have a Cobra, great. If you don't, then don't sport the badges....its so....well....ricey.
First LX Notch Cobra i've ever seen!