Any dealership techs on here?

I don't get any liscense from this. I'm not sure how it is with the electricians but i'm not aware of my division getting any type of liscense. I finished with my apprentiship so no more schooling for me. I been done since the end of 03. I should be 1 level higher but I did not have enough hours in.

My dad has his own business but he only does it on the side now as he got a electrical engineering job a few years ago. He was in the NYC electricians union years ago but quit.
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At the dealership I detail at all I hear the mechanics say is how much the job sucks, how underpayed they are, how there isn't enough work, etc.

Side Note - we change the wiper fluid. :D
donkey_punch said:
i was under the impression that you had to do a said number of years as an apprentis. that way you have learned the basics in the feild, hands on. then you can go take your liscense test.

Yes. To get an electricians license in my state now.. You need 8000 hours of work(4 years). 600 Hours of school (4 years @ 2 nights a week). Then you can take the exam.

If your going into the electrical union here, i believe its a 5 year deal.. You have to goto their schools. I heard they are changing the non union apprentiship to a 5 year deal as well, but wont matter for me since ill be grandfathered in.