Anyone using an electric water pump??

There's some knockoff company that has been making electric waterpumps for our specific years that I see posted on ebay all the time. I can't think of the name but if you do a generic search on ebay for electric waterpumps 94-95 mustang, you'll see what I'm talking about. They look like a knockoff of CSR electric pumps, and come in different anodized finishes as well. Much like the Mishimoto Radiator being an oversees knockoff of Fuidyne for much cheaper, I believe thats pretty much what these new electric waterpumps are; lesser quality, parts, but for a fraction of the price of a new CSR or Meziere. I, personally, was quite skeptical about all these overseas knockoffs, but more and more often am I hearing online people rave about them, and have even heard of someone who had a fluidyne radiator, that leaked on him, so he decided to go with the cheaper Mishimoto, and has since been thrilled with it and its overall performance and quality.

Anyways I justed wanted to throw that out there, for those who might know better of what I'm talking about and who could perhaps chime in and give their first handed opinions on these new knockoff CSI waterpumps.

I myself would like to hear from someone who has one, because I'm seriously conidering getting one.
How much HP do it free up?

I would guesstimate somewhere in the neighborhood of 1%. It's really not a matter of gaining power so much as a reliability thing. Electric pumps don't have a rubberized belt which can break in the middle of a race. Yes, they can blow a fuse such as Adam suggested, but you can blow the fuse to your injectors as well. It's just a matter of which is statistically more likely to happen.

And for those who are worried about blowing a fuse and overheating your engine, just install a water temp gauge. Problem solved.