best decal remover


10 Year Member
Mar 31, 2005
Atlanta, GA
yes...its finally considering to take the decals off of my car :banana: i just want to know what u all think i should use to take it off me it looks like 3M vinyl decals.....i have GooGone speifically designed for decals...or should i use a hairdrier? or is there something that works better? :shrug:
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-=NightHawk=- said:
yes...its finally considering to take the decals off of my car :banana: i just want to know what u all think i should use to take it off me it looks like 3M vinyl decals.....i have GooGone speifically designed for decals...or should i use a hairdrier? or is there something that works better? :shrug:
I dont think you're supposed to use goo gone on paint...but if its specifically made for it then go for it.
Kilgore Trout said:
Won'y you still be able to see the outlines of the decals due to fading being greater where the paint was not covered by the decal???

I had some for a few years. It was barely visible if you knew where to look. I've never noticed it since.
01TrueBlueCobra said:
I was thinking of putting new cobra fender emblems since mine are messed up. How do you remove it without messing up th clearcoat.

theyre usually bolted on from the factory...reach up underneath the wheelwell and ull feel a bolt..they just come off..if theyre glued on...get a hairdrier?
oh btw guys....i just went outside and pulled a portion of the decal off...a part that u wouldnt notice one way or another if it was on or off...and i used GooGone sticker remover and wiped it clean and put a coat of wax on can barely tell its there...u just have to know where to look and practically be looking at it from 6inches away ir less to see it
01TrueBlueCobra said:
I was thinking of putting new cobra fender emblems since mine are messed up. How do you remove it without messing up th clearcoat.

Dental floss to get the emblem off, then rubbing alcohol to clean up. Easy. :nice:
If you want to take decals off. ALL you need is a hair dryer. Heat the decals up and they should peel right off. Then clean and wax your car and hopefully your sun marks from where the decals were wont show....
blksgrl said:
The Goo Gone type stuff that'll help is called Oops! We used it to get the spray paint off my car...worked like a charm!!! :)
I used a pressure washer on my car (Festiva) to get some paint off that someone threw down on the ground. The friggen thing exploded when it hit the ground and rolled down our driveway. Ooooo was my dad pissed!

Sorry for being off-topic! :OT: