I THINK I may have this nailed down but Im not sure how to proceed. So as the title says the blinkers dont work. No solid light, no fast blink, just dark spots where the arrows use to be. Its is not a fuse. The 4 ways and reverse lights work. Its not the switch. I swapped a working one in and nothing. I think its the harness. I went through all three harnesses with a test light and got light on two of the three. My question is does the harness controlling the blinker switch have a hot wire when the key is in the on position? Also I cant find my chiltons so im not even sure which harness IS for the blinker? One time when I rehooked up my swich I kinda-sorta got a blink out of it but it quit after a few seconds. Soooooo what is the best way to test the harness? Which wire should be hot on that harness? If the harness is bad do I just cut the wires at the tree and splice in the replacement harness? Input please.