Can't remove rear lower control arms


Jan 21, 2004
I tried installing a set of Maximum Motorsport XD lower control arms and I can't get the stockers off. The bolts are seized in the control arm. I tried heating them up and beating the end of the bolt but they won't come out. I can't think of anything else but to cut the bolt. Any suggestions from experience with the same problem.

Thanks guys
I had this happen once. Only thing we could do was get a saw zaw and CUT them off. They are very hard bolts and it takes A LOT of blades..... Be careful to not cut into your rear housing as well. Good luck.
Yeah, with the springs out the bolt spins freely but won't come out. All 4 are seized inside the sleeve of the control arm. A blow torch would probaby be a bad idea so I'll go with a saw zaw. Did you just purchase new bolts from the dealership?
The only way to do this is with an air hammer. A quality one. Not a Harbor Freight or a Craftsman. We have a $350 Snap-On air hammer and it shoves anybolt out of the hole.
Are you sure you are on the right bolt? (Don't ask me how I know this can happen - I can't recall what I was working on with the rear axle, but I was trying to loosen a welded on bolt or nut...can't recall which it was, but it was definately not going to come off.)
If you are on the right nut, soak it in PB Blaster. Then with the nut off, you can use another large bolt and hammer to push it out. And for what it's worth, a cheap-o Harbor Freight Air Hammer works just fine. Who the hell is going to buy a $350 air hammer for home use to maybe use once a year, if that? I've used mine to tear up tile, 'drill' a large diameter hole in concrete block, and pushing out stubborn bolts like this one.
I had the same problem happen on my 97 GT. I got the nut off, but the bolts were securely siezed in the sleeve of the bushing. I was even rotating the bushing quite a bit, by hand and with a 400lb impact wrench. My dad took a dremle to one side, while I took a 1/4" die grinder to the other side. Both tools worked fine. Just make sure you have the proper bit for cutting iron. It needs to be a carbide bit.

I later learned from a good mechanic freind that the real trick is to break the bolt loose first. It is easier to break the nut loose, but you always want to break the bolt loose first on these suspension arms. Use penetrating oil, a 6' handle, a 600lb impact wrench... whatever it takes, but loosen the bolt instead of the nut and it should fall apart properly.