Car insurance - whos only got liabilty


Mar 31, 2005
Orlando, FL
i had a loan on my car and just now got it paid off...

i was paying 141 for full coverage and im 22 and 1 ticket a year ago..

500 duc on comp and coll.
and min on bodily injury etc...

for now i just went to liabilty and pay now 54.00 a month!

just wondering is it really worth having full on a car this old? and i dont want to be **** out of luck if it gets totaled... and i dont want to only get 1500 dollars for it because of blue book etc...

and info on what type of insurance you guys have?
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i have broadform, i'm 18 and 3 tickets within the last 1.3 years..but nothing serious, every 6 months it was 827.00 from when i first got my liscense till now(the tickets didnt change the price yet), with liability only, but i am insured to drive any legal car/truck within limits (no semi's, etc..), and do ALL my own work, so if i smash it i fix it, so far it's worked out pretty good(havent had to use it), the price just SUCKS

I've got a friend that has liability only on his Acura Integra. His car has almost 10 G's in parts and work done to it. He got hit by another guy and that guy's insurance is being really nasty about it and offering him $2300 (book value) for his car. My friend's agent won't do squat because he only has liability. It's gonna be a major fight.

Remember, you might be a safe driver, but what about the other guy? Is it worth losing your car to save less than 90 bux a month?
I used to have a Buick as a DD and I had the mustang as a pleasure car under my dads name and paid 35 bucks a month full coverage!! But I would never have laibility only on a car I love so much!
I don't buy the "because the car has liability the person at faults insurance company wont pay more than KBB for it" thing. Thats bs because they are always going to try to only give you blue book value, it does not matter whether or not you have liability or full coverage, the key to getting what you want is not settling for being screwed over. I only have liability on my car, I got rear ended, I didn't settle until I got enough money to fix the car and then some. Just don't drive like an *******, obey the traffic laws, that way if you do get in a wreck chances are it wont be your fault and you will get compensation for your vehicle.
I don't buy the "because the car has liability the person at faults insurance company wont pay more than KBB for it" thing. Thats bs because they are always going to try to only give you blue book value, it does not matter whether or not you have liability or full coverage, the key to getting what you want is not settling for being screwed over. I only have liability on my car, I got rear ended, I didn't settle until I got enough money to fix the car and then some. Just don't drive like an *******, obey the traffic laws, that way if you do get in a wreck chances are it wont be your fault and you will get compensation for your vehicle.

Dude, chill.:nono: I didn't say he was getting screwed because he only had liability. I said that his insurance agent wouldn't help him fight the other one because he only had liability. He now has to fight for himself, which he's doing a pretty good job of, but if he'd had collision, his insurance company would have been doing the dirty work for him. In Washington, the "at fault" party is liable to replace the damaged car with one of like value. He now has to prove what the "like value" of his car was to a huge, faceless insurance company (Safeco). If he'd spent the extra cash for decent insurance, another huge, faceless insurance company (All State) would be backing him up.
insurance is still im my mommys name but then again i cant drive cause thats damned ol civic had to put power and when i did a burn out it pulled me to the right and off a bank:rolleyes: J/k that SOB didnt even have 90hp to the wheels:rlaugh:
If he'd spent the extra cash for decent insurance, another huge, faceless insurance company (All State) would be backing him up.

Only if he files the claim with Allstate. Allstate would pay him, then go after Safeco(?!! whatever the hell that is) for the money. But if Safeco stiffs Allstate, your friend's rates would go up and he'd still have fronted the deductable.

When I got hit in August I dealt directly with the other driver's insurance. Luckily they had USAA which was a decent company to deal with. I have full coverage with Allstate on my dad's name, but all our agent did was give my dad advice for dealing with USAA and tell him that a GT 'vert would have better resale.:nice:
The only crappy thing was that the driver only had $10k in coverage(how the hell is that legal? What if they hit a new Mercedes?) with USAA. So since they were giving me ~$9,500 for my car, I had to give up my Malibu rental I was beating the crap out of a little earlier than I wanted cause I used up all the money. But $9,500 for an '01 V6 coupe w/ 80k miles wasn't a bad deal.:nice:

Long story short, I didn't need my insurance, so my rates are the same.
I feel for you younger guys. I remember 15-16 yrs ago when my insurance sucked ass as well.

I have Farm Bureau. My insurance guy told me that full coverage was a waste of money on my 1990. He said if it is my insurance company that is gonna pay out, they are only gonna pay book value.

But if the other guys insurance is paying out, they have to pay out what the market value of my car would be with all the mods and receipts I have.

His words were tested a few yrs ago when this dude turned right into my chick. It done a lil bit of damage not a whole lot, all cosmetic. Well the guys insruance (Progressive) wanted to total it. Farm Bureau wouldn't stand for it. Then they were saying she was ilike 20% at fault. It was a crock. Farm Bereau still didn't budge. In the end our agent got it all straight and we didn't pay a dime for the repair and they didn't total it either.

I keep full coverage on the newer stuff and liability on the 90. But my legal limits are all above the state minumum. Like in IN the legal minumum is like 30/ person 60/ acc. It doesn't take much to to hit $30,000 or $60,000 especially if you hit say an Escalade and they total it, That is well over $40,000. Who do you think is gonna have to come up with the difference?

Insurance is somewhat of a rip-off but its something to take very serious to protect yourself in every aspect of the word.
I have liability on my 90 stang. Its insured as a pleasure vehicle. I dont wanna pay full coverage on a 1990 when I got insurance on this car but now im wondering when im done with this project if I can get totally screwed. Im putting lots of money into this thing and i dont wanna get my car totaled cause some idiot insurance agent thinks its worthless. Are there any parameters that you can get added on to liability coverage to help me out with the cost of my mods?
well im moving back to orlando at the end of this month... so i dont have a job right now and i have some money saved untill i find another job... i think im gonna go back to full in a couple of months... and talk with the insurance company ask what i should do or find some other company...
you kinda gotta look at it like this... blue book on the car is prolly 4k if your lucky.
you were payen 141 (x's) 12months 1700, if you think about it and you actually do get 4k if you wreck it, its good to have full coverage! its all about your blue book value.. cuz when i said 4k if yur lucky, its prolly more like 2-3k... insurance companys are fast to take your money, but when it comes to giving you cash back.... its gonna be as small as they can make it!
I carry liability, comprehensive, and uninsured motorist on my car. I figure if it is MY fault, I'll pay to have it fixed a lot cheaper than it would cost at a regular shop. And with my coverage, I'm covered for theft, any damage other than collision, and any uninsured idiot that might hit me, and most likely run (quite common in Houston!) I can't stand a "no fault" state. Screws the good people. It is ALWAYS someone's fault and THEY should pay for the damages. Period.
the only thing worth having is theft, but even then just put a fuel cut off in or something. When I go into the mall I take the coil wire off and hide it somewhere. Collision...your basically saving yourself from being a dumbass. Only way it helps is if its YOUR fault, if someone crashes into you, they pay. Dont be a dumbass and crash into **** lol, then you dont need collision. I only have liability as well. Full coverage is for women!