Car shipped via Railcar!!


Mar 31, 2005
Katy, TX
My car was built this last week and as of the 25th, it has shipped via railcar. How long has it been taking others to get their cars once it was shipped this method. Anyone in the Texas area? I'm thinking of dropping a tent on the dealer lot and waiting....
My car was built 2 weeks ago and the robot lady still hasn't updated. I wouldn't really care but I would expect it to be at the dealer already. As long as I get it Friday when my Loud Mouths arrive .
Watch for rail dust- a common problem w/ cars shipped via rail. Rust powder from the rails, and from the wheels covers the car. If the dealer allows it to sit for any time at all without washing thoroughly, they get into the paint and a few months later- you have microscopic rust all over the car. Be sure and wash very thoroughly, maybe even with a heavy detergent, after you get the car.

My boss had to have a total repaint of a 1-year old Acura because of this.

There is a related TSB on the iron deposit problem:
Well I just spoke with VOPC and received the rail car number and location. Then I called my sales guy to give it to him. My car shipped 4/28 in is currently in Atlanta at the rail yard. I hope my sales guy can get my car today. I will let you guys know.

Update: Dealership is still not showing the rail car in GA. This sucks big time I got all excited.

How do you contact the VOPC, I still have no idea where my car is. This isn't the same as the 800 number is it?

Can you be a little more specific? How do you get the rail car number? And, how to you track it from there? Thanks man.
samckernan said:
Can you be a little more specific? How do you get the rail car number? And, how to you track it from there? Thanks man.

I spoke with an anylst when calling the robot lady. I had them pull all stops and where it should be.
torri834 said:
I spoke with an anylst when calling the robot lady. I had them pull all stops and where it should be.

I was thinking about doing this since I am tired of not knowing where my car is. I was just wondering, did you act like you were from the dealer, or do they not care? I thought I heard something before the crash that they wouldn't talk to you if you were not from the dealership, but I can't remember.

Yes I told them I worked for my dealership.
torri834 said:
Yes I told them I worked for my dealership.

Lol, I just did this. I am so terrible at lying and I think she knew I was a customer, but she gave me the info. Apparently it is in transit and has an ETA of May 10th. Wow, almost an entire month to ship, but at least it will be worth it .
Szlachcic said:
Lol, I just did this. I am so terrible at lying and I think she knew I was a customer, but she gave me the info. Apparently it is in transit and has an ETA of May 10th. Wow, almost an entire month to ship, but at least it will be worth it .

Well at least its some news. I hope you get yours sooner.