Cleaning/Polishing Glass


Dec 22, 2003
Pensacola, FL
Anyone have any recommendations for cleaning or polishing glass? Also, how to get annoying inspection stickers and the like and their gum marks OFF my glass?!

On a similar note, anyone got tips for getting grease off of shirts and pants? :-)
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Sears and some Autozones and Advance auto stores have a razor craper to remove inspection stickers just like the stations do. Isopropyl alcohol will help get the gummy off. Eastwood sells a glass polishing kit. Any more questions? :banana:
skywalker said:
Anyone have any recommendations for cleaning or polishing glass? Also, how to get annoying inspection stickers and the like and their gum marks OFF my glass?!

On a similar note, anyone got tips for getting grease off of shirts and pants? :-)

Once you get the sticky and goop off, 0000 steel wool is nice for cleaning the bugs and water marks off glass.
Car Craft has an article that uses a 4 step process for cleaning windows of cars that have been sitting for a long time. They use: vinigar, clay bar, chrome polish, and then glass cleaner. If that doesn't work then use 0000 steel wool. I tried this on my Escort to get the water spots off. It worked better than anything else but it still didn't get all the spots off. I didn't have any steel wool though; I've heard steel wool works great for water spots.