Cluster bulbs won’t turn on


New Member
Jun 9, 2021
I have a 92 gt and I replaced the factory cluster bulbs to led but when I try to turn them on it doesn’t work I checked the panel dim and only one wire from the 4 wirings on it has power what do I do?tips on where I can fix this issue.
The dimmer needs to work. The feed for the lights in the entire interior all stem from the dimmer. There's also a 5amp fuse as well you want to check if none of the interior lights (switched and hvac panel) don't work
LED lights don't like dimmers. They are designed to work at a fixed voltage. So they sell LED 168/194 bulbs for marker lights and such that run at 12-14 volts, but they really aren't intended to be used in your instrument cluster. Your best bet is to swap back to filament style bulbs.

don't buy the cheap Flea Bay LED's .. I bought ones that do not have to be specific polarity and work with the dimmers. If you already have the cheap ones. just use an electric drill or 9V battery and test leads and test the polarity of each bulb before installing. Mark the + side and on the back of the cluster you can trace the circuit for + and -
I wonder how those are internally wired to go that? Diodes have polarity, light emitting or not.
Do do they work well and do you have a source? I have another project that NEEDS better dash lights, and standard bulbs in the similar size do not vary much in CP or watts.

JDM ASTAR 10x Super White T10 PX 3-SMD LED Light Bulb 194 168 2825 175 W5W 192​

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