compression guage results?

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I was running about 165-170... Some of my other friends in their "mostly" stock cars had about 150-155. Anything higher then 70psi is enough for detenation (not a good sign though). Hope this helps.

it depends greatly on the type of tester you use (each has a different volume which effects results) and the compression ratio, and cam specs of the engine in question. So long as the results are within a nominal 10-15%, it doesn't matter what the actaul numbers are.
My Ford 5.0 engine manual dont give absolute numbers but gives a chart that goes from 134 to 250 for max and says that if lowest pressure is within 75% of the highest it is within normal tolerances. So if you are running anything over 134 for your highest cylinder you should be good to go. If you are running 170 for highest cylinder then 127 should be lowest cylinder if you have normal tolerances. 150 for highest cylinder means you could go as low as 113 for lowest. 134 for the highest cylinder requires the lowest to be at least 101 for weakest cylinder. Seems pretty bad to me though!