Coolant Change Interval


New Member
May 28, 2004
My 2001 Cobra with 27,000 miles is still on the original engine coolant. Is it time to change it? What type of coolant is recommended? Also, how long can oil remain good if the car is driven infrequently? I read that oil can absorb moisture from the air and affect the lubrication properties of the oil. Being away on a work assignment I have not driven the car since August.
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Might as well give yourself some peace of mind and change the oil and coolant.

Do you absolutely HAVE to do it? No. But if you are an enthusiast and want the very best for your engine, then go ahead and spend a little time under the car.

Keep in mind that the coolant is roughly 6+ years old by now (if it is the original coolant). Its properties break down over time and you don't want it to gunk up in your cooling system.

It's also a good idea to change the oil if it's been sitting since August.
