Damn Big speed bumps >:o


Founding Member
Mar 24, 2002
My apartment complex just had some HUGE speed bumps installed and it's scraping the F#@% out of my bottom end :mad: I've complained numerous times and they keep saying they want to "wait it out" to see if the speed bumps smooth out from the cars going over them. But meanwhile it's scraping the sh!# out of my car.

I "think" it's the mid-pipe that's taking all of the abuse. I'm having the oil changed in a couple days and will check when the car is raised up. What kind of damage could this damn speed bump be doing? :bang:
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The speed bumps at my apartment complex are average size, but I wish they would make them even bigger. I'm not kidding you, all these complete retards that own fart can ricers go over these speed bumps at 40-50 mph. I hope their tires and suspension are getting super F***ed up. The exhaust shop that put my X pipe and Catback on my Mach did an awesome job. The speed bumps would hit the frame of my Mach before they would even touch my exhaust system.
Crzyhrse said:
The speed bumps at my apartment complex are average size, but I wish they would make them even bigger. I'm not kidding you, all these complete retards that own fart can ricers go over these speed bumps at 40-50 mph. I hope their tires and suspension are getting super F***ed up. The exhaust shop that put my X pipe and Catback on my Mach did an awesome job. The speed bumps would hit the frame of my Mach before they would even touch my exhaust system.

I creep over mine you wouldn't believe how slowly.. doesn't matter.. scrraaappee. That sound just keeps pissing me off more and MORE :fuss: lol
GitDat said:
I creep over mine you wouldn't believe how slowly.. doesn't matter.. scrraaappee. That sound just keeps pissing me off more and MORE :fuss: lol
Same here, at my old high school.

The place I'm moving into over the summer has pretty small ones. I crawl over, while I see people bomb over them.
GitDat said:
I creep over mine you wouldn't believe how slowly.. doesn't matter.. scrraaappee. That sound just keeps pissing me off more and MORE :fuss: lol

Yeah, that's a real bummer. You probably dread even leaving your apartment to go somewhere. :( . Yeah, I creep over my speed bumps at maybe 1mph, maybe slower.
drive over them diagonally. i have to do the same thing at my apartment. it keeps you from rubbing because your tires will always be on the speed bump and will therefore lift your car over the bump. instead of hitting it twice going over it straight you hit it diagonal and all four tires hit it individually. hope this helps.
ts1lmayb said:
my xpipe is the first thing to hit...... just go slow. scrappage isn't toooo bad.

I actually tried to drive up on the grass and go completely around it and I heard this loud *BANG* like I broke something. I just can't win with this speed bump :( lol. I hope I didn't really jack something.
at my apartment passengers have to walk past the speedbumps... supposedly they are 10mph ones, but the 5mph ones at walmart I dont have issues with :(

Just saw your guys' diesel ideas, yes that will work any petroleum product will deteriorate asphalt... thus why gas pumps are surrounded by concrete. Straight diesel will do it (gas works too, but evaporates fairly quick.. this is a 1 month job with an application of diesel every week considering no friction other than the stang rubbing)