DCControllers Question... Yount


New Member
Oct 28, 2004
Well I looked at the price of these and it wasn't bad at all for the controller. I will get the fan used off of eBay or a junk yard.

Would the DC35 or the DC60 be best for a Taurus fan on my fox? What if I come across the Mark8 fan? DC35 or DC60?

Thanks :SNSign:
I run the FK-35 on both my cars with no problem. I use a Dodge Viper fan on one, and a 94/95 fan on my other one. I think Brian has something for the Mark 8 guys that help with voltage spikes or something. Why not ask Brian what he recommends before you order. He should know best.
PB is right - generally Michael simply directs people to email Baskin himself (who better to talk to?).