Do I Need New Motor Mounts?


Feb 21, 2006
Got a 347 done that I will be hopefully dropping in my 70 in the next couple of weeks. Just curious if I need to upgrade my mounts for additional torque? Car previously hat a 302. If so any suggestions. Thanks
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if they have any spidercracks I'd probably change um, if your poor, dont.

I just changed mine, solid on driver side, stock on passenger, rotation of motor cause's driver side to wanna lift, and pass to press down, so it has benifits of solid with dapmening of stock, never heard of someone doing this before either.
A good trick to keep your mounts intact is to drill a hole through both halves, and put a grade 5 or better bolt, with as wide a washer as you can fit on both sides. It will still be able to cushion the vibrations, with out having enough room to come apart...