Do MILs hurt?


Founding Member
Sep 2, 2000
I have researched this and just like alot of other things on the net, you get the "my brother's friend's hairdress's cousin had problems....." :woot:

So has anyone had first hand problems with them damaging the computer or anything else? I am thinking of going with an X-pipe but this is a question that is holding me back from doing it. Thanks for the help
Yes you will need MIL eliminators. I put a BBK O/R H-pipe on my Cobra and got the light, had to order a set of MIL eliminators. Dont buy from ebay, I did and they suck. Got them from Steeda and they work great.
lazerred02, I have the Diablo handheld. I believe it is one of the function that I can do with it . So you are saying that I can do that to turn off the rear O2 sensors and it will owrk the same as the Mil eliminators?
if youing offroad bbk, get two sets of the bbk mil eliminators... one didnt stretch long enough and i had to buy a second kit.... on my catted bbk x pipe, i only neded one of the extensions, so i took one set back....hope that helps... if you are going off road, i reccomend not using flow masters... they sound like butt hole with the bbk O/R x.

and off road will smel HORRIBLE even with a good tune... if you sit at red lights with the windows down, the stench will get back into the car and make you smel like youre driving an 82 s10...
Dont know how Flows sound with x-pipes but with the H-pipe they sound killer. I have never smelled anything in traffic or at a red light but when the car is cold and in the garrage it stinks of richness.

just plan on doing the Xpipe and a tuner at the same time and you will be fine .....