emission and plate sticker problem


New Member
Mar 25, 2006
oswego Il
i have somebody that moved from ill to texas, well the plate sticker is due at the end of feb. now they are getting emission testing papers in the mail and i cant renew the plate, cause the car is in texas and the car need emission tester first. what would be the cheapest way to fix this problem. really on a budget. what can i do
The way you worded this is a little confusing, but i gather that someone moved from Ill to TX and still has the Ill plates??

Really not much you can do other than go back to ILL and get tested, or register the car in TX.
they are friends that moved there and never had there van tested now that its up at the end of feb, and i cant get them a sticker till they get tested. so they will have to drive from san jaun texas which is 26 hours and 300.00 dollars in gas one way thats alot of money. they will be back here in late march early april. i wonder if they can get an extention on the emmission. or tell the dmv the plates are stolen and pay the fees for replacement plates. they are really tight on money.
Call the ILL DMV and ask them.

Just don't give specific information that would lead to your friends, but just explain the situation and ask what you can do.