Engine Compartment....

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Purple Power, Simple Green, Grease Lightning. Don't dilute the solutions or pre-wet. The wax the metal when the grime is gone. Use water/dish soap for hoses and protect/seal them a little better with aerosol silicone and cockpit shine. Looks nice, smells even better, and even repels dirt! That's what I did/do for mine and it's turned out just dandy
I use an engine degreaser called CD2, it seems to work pretty well. Then I just hose off the degreaser and take some regular armor all and spray it over the entire engine surface, then shut the hood & let it sit for 30 minutes or so. If there's any little streaks from the armor all I just take a towel & wipe it off, it seems to work pretty well...I haven't done this in a while but I want to detail my engine within the next few days and I'll be sure to post some pictures up.
I use simple green. MAKE SURE YOU RUN THE CAR A LITTLE to get the compartment warm first. Then add the cleaner. It makes it MUCH easier to clean that way. Good luck.