Exhaust NOTE Help! BBK, VIDEO Inside...

Ok, so I posted about my exhaust note problem before. But I came up with some new ideas and also took some video so you guys can here what it sounds like. But if you didnt read my last thread, this is what I had said (my problem):

I just switched exhaust setups this weekend on my 2002 GT. Before I was running MAC LT Headers, O/R Prochamber, and Magnapacks. The sound was nice and deep, but the poor quality headers were giving me trouble, and I decided to swap them out. I am now running BBK LT Headers, BBK O/R H Pipe, and the Magnapacks. The problem is, I think the Magnapacks are too aggressive for the free flowing setup I have now. It sounds nice and deep at lower RPM's, but when I lay on it, the exhaust kind of farts (like a high pitched rasp). It sounds like I am shooting flames out from behind my car. It doesn't sound horrible, but I am more for the deep throaty sound throughout the RPM range, still being loud, haha. I figured its because of the new O/R H coupled with the straight through design of the Packs. When I had the Prochamber, it mellowed out the exhaust tone before it hit the catback and kept it deep. Now with the O/R H, its just shooting right through. So I think Im going to switch up to a chambered catback, to mellow the new sound.

Ok, now I'm stuck between another option. I was originally going to go with the regular chambered Magnaflow catback, but I heard from a few people that have my same setup. The thing is they have an O/R X instead of an H. I heard the setup sounds good, and is deep and doesnt fart like mine currently does. I heard this from two guys running LT's with an O/R X and Packs. I also heard its loud and can be heard from a far, which is nice, haha.

So I dont know what would sound better, and was hoping some of you could chime in, as maybe some of you have this setup or have heard a similar combination. Basically Im stuck between changing my O/R H to an X, or changing out the Magnapacks for a chambered Magnaflow setup. I still want it to be loud, but I do not want any farting, I want a nice deep tone throughout the RPM's. What do you guys think??


Ok, heres the video I made. I uploaded it to StreetFire.net as well as Putfile. So hopefully everyone can get it to work, through one of these links.





u should have gotten an H pipe with cats

the problem you arre speaking of is because of the fact you have an o/r pipe with a glasspack exhaust system...like the SLP..if u put an o/r pipe on it itll sound like ass....from what that video sounds like, urs just sounds HIGHLY aggrressive which IMHO is fu**in awesome...plus u doign it in a garage AND inside ur car does not portray how the exhaust system actually sounds...

get urself an h pipe with cats and i think ull be happy
OR you could get some good chambered mufflers to put in. I think chambered mufflers sound the best on LT/OR setups. If it's gotta be super loud, then look at Flowmaster 10 series, or a reasonable facsimile. I bought a pair of 10 series knockoffs on the bay of E's, and they are sweet. Good luck!
-=NightHawk=- said:
urs just sounds HIGHLY aggrressive which IMHO is fu**in awesome...plus u doign it in a garage AND inside ur car does not portray how the exhaust system actually sounds...

get urself an h pipe with cats and i think ull be happy

Yeah, those are the only two spots I could find to record on campus. Too many campus cops with nothing better to do. So I went to one of the top floors of a parking garage, and scarred the ***** out of some people on the floor below me. But, in the video you can hear the tin metal noise the exhaust makes when I get on it. In person, its 10x as loud and annoying!

And I really dont want to restrict my car with cats. Eventually Im gonna pick up a catted midpipe, but for emissions purposes only.

Yeah, thats why I was thinking of going with the Magnaflow catback, chambered. Or maybe even Borla. I dont like the tips on Flowmaster, and am a big fan of the ones I have now, which is why I like the Magnaflow setup. Just not sure if I should do that or go with the O/R X.
Actually the Magnaflow catback is not chambered...

it is still straight through, so you wont loose any power, however there is a much much much greater amount of rock wool in the muffler, so it is much much much quieter....

I would personally ditch the packs for the Magnaflow mufflers as I love the regular Magnaflows with off road pipes...I think it sounds great...

then you can sell the Magnapacks easily
Mustanggt108 said:
just curious, but is that ur "CHECK ENGINE" light ON , when your shooting from inside your car in the video??

Hey, yeah its my driver side front 02 sensor. I have to get it replaced, I had first thought it was due to my original cheap MAC LT Headers, but the same codes are being thrown for the front 02 sensor heater with my BBK LT's. So Im thinking my 02 is messed up. Either that or I'll have to get it tuned for the LT's with a heater delay to take care of it. I hate seeing that light!

Hey, thanks for the info. Yeah, I think I am going to go with the Magnaflow catback, just worried it might quiet it down too much. But if I do, Im definitely selling the Packs to pay for the cost!
I think I would go with a catted H. It really shouldnt be any noticeable performance difference, but sound quality is night and day difference, IMO. That is probably the main difference your looking for. I would do a mufflered catback such as Magnaflow, Mac, or Flowmaster. But, I have a feeling the catted pipe with what you have would be the sound you were looking for. By the way, your car is sweet!!