

New Member
Feb 3, 2006
no this is not another "what is the best sounding exhaust on a v6" thread. however i do want to put new exhaust on my v6 this spring because the old ones are worn out. i just wanted to hear what some people put on theirs and what site are good to look at when browsing for new ones. thank

Might as well be the same question. Everybody is gonna say the system they put on their car is the best.

I had MAC Flowpaths on my V6. It was quiet at idle, but sounded decent under throttle.
I've said this a thousand times here, but if you can hear the idle on a V6 it's gonna sound like a ricer in the higher RPMs.
Flowmaster 40's aren't that bad at most RPMs. It's not the loudest at idle, but definitely has a good sounding idle and low acceleration. Under 50% throttle at 3000rpms it gets raspy, and at WOT I can't really hear anymore so I don't know what the sound is lol. But for driving around town and stuff, much better than stock and 4-cyls. Still wont beat a stock V8, or especially ever beat a cammed V8 with a good exhaust.
Have dual 2 chambered flows on my 01 sixer. Produces a nice clean sound for a six compared to others that I hear at school and some actually sound like fart cans.
Yeah it does set off the CEL but mils can fix that. Any parts that deletes the cats will set it off. I would get a tuner to disable it and plus gain a little more power with it.