Finally Quit World Of Warcraft! Lol

congratz man. I got it about 4 weeks after it came out, and played untill i had 2 accounts and 3 lvl 60's. I quit long before it switched to the patch and came out w/ 70's. As soon as i had to start paying by month for playing (up untill this point i was using my bro's and his friend's old account that had pre bought 6 months) i had to take a good look at my life and realize there are much more worthy things of my time and money.
I was on blackhand (#1 priest in pvp for awhile)
never played that game, but i have been involved in other games that temporarily suck your soul out of your body. the Metal Gear series, the Splinter Cell series, the Halo series, Gears of War etc.

right now, i cant get away from Guitar Hero 2.

as a matter of fact, im about to rock out right now.

How does the "guitar" handle?

Guitar hero 2 is ****in addictive ,im playing it now....wait till you get freebird if you dont alreayd have it ,its hard
oh, i have been to free bird. i just 5 starred it recently, i think i have 4 more songs to 5 star in medium.

im not too bad in hard with a few songs, but man, introducing orange kills me. im just starting to get use to sliding my hand down the neck and knowing where it is.

the guitar takes some getting use to, i was terrible at first. im pretty decent now in medium, but ill be happy when i can nail songs in hard comfortably.
I hate World of War Craft.

It sucked my freinds soul away into the internet. He doesnt pick up his phone and ignores his freinds when hes playing, and talks about weird **** that I dont understand all the time now thanks to this game.

No offense to anyone who raves over it, but I tried playing it once and never got into it.
I just started WoW about a month and a half ago, lvl 49 rogue on Drak' Thul. It's a fun game. I can't get any of my friends to play because they're scared they're going to get addicted to it.

As for Guitar Hero...I'm more addicted to that than WoW. I've moved up to hard, but I'm just having a hard time on the solo's.
I have severly scaled back my game playing in the past year. Previously I have been enslaved/played Halo, Knights of the Old Republic I&II and Morrowind.

Never played Guitar Hero, I prefer to play the real thing. I have a MIM Fender HH, a POD XTL and Fender amp.
I was ahead of the curve, I sold my soul to Ultima Online about 10 years ago.

I was right there with you for a while!

I played WoW for a while, but never had higher than a 49 Rogue on Garithos. Got really tired of the kids, and the Barrons chat was the worst thing to experience ever.

I've beaten every song on Expert on GH2, except for Psychobilly Freakout. That song blows my mind. Now Six is a friggin sweet song, along with Laid to Rest, and Hangar 18. I've always been a huge Megadeth fan. Trogdor is classic, too.

I've kind of moved past GH2, and got back on Guitar Freaks V, because I think it's alot more fun to play side by side with my buddy who handles the drums.
I've beaten every song on Expert on GH2, except for Psychobilly Freakout. That song blows my mind. Now Six is a friggin sweet song, along with Laid to Rest, and Hangar 18. I've always been a huge Megadeth fan. Trogdor is classic, too.

Guitar Hero has been my addiction as well, ever since i got it for Xmas. I only have Six and Jordan left to beat on expect, tho i've only 5-starred 35 of the songs. I think i'll go play now...
im no good at the real guita. i have one collecting dust next to my bed right now. maybe once i get good at expert GH2, ill have the skills to suck less with a real guitar, or maybe ill try and mod my real guitar with large, shiny plastic buttons.
My worst addiction ever was Diablo and Diablo 2. I played those all night, every night.

I can't even fathom the pain of Expert on GH2. I praticed on hard today I've about given up thinking I'll ever be playing anything on expert. Hard on GH1 is much easier than hard on GH2. Now if I could get Thunderhorse down on hard I'd feel pretty good.