First Mustang Owner In Texas


New Member
Aug 14, 2013
Hello everyone! I'm Everett and I turned 16 yesterday. I've loved 'stangs all my life. All of my posters, wallpapers, and just about everything else I own has something to do with a mustang. Yesterday, I came home to my very first car ever and I had the privilege of claiming a stock, fairly new 2003 Mustang. An elderly woman was selling it with 50,000 original miles on it in almost flawless condition for $4,700. Nothing special to brag about. Simple V6. But I'm beyond honored to call her mine. I'll have pictures as soon as possible. I joined this forum to learn about cars (as I'm pretty uneducated about my own vehicle and I'm hoping to gain some knowledge on her), meet some nice people, and get some ideas on how to customize my own ride. I've got some money saved up to personalize her and have a car that sticks out around school without trying to make it something it isn't. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thank you and happy to be here!