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i gave my Girl Friends Grandpa The Pat's And 3pts... $500 bet, Even Tho the Pats Were favored by 11.5.. i new i was going out on a limb.. Well Worth it and 100% the Best super Bowl i have witnessed.. needless to say we pushed. And Broke even But i was on a limb here...

Best Super Bowl Moment: IMO
Eli snaps, Pats Rush in. Get to Eli in a Carnage of 5 angry linebackers all making it through The Giantsssssaaa line, all you see is Dark Blue jerseys for 3.2 seconds.. then out of the carnage comes Little Eli dragging line backers behind him Completing the Pass... Thats why the number 10 will Burn In the back of my mind For the Rest of the Days i am on the planet... Good Football!!!!
I know nothing about football, but I have heard of exactly what 25th is talking about. Many people in CT hate the Patriots for this reason.

I dono why everyone loves Eli Manning so much. I don't know anything about him, but by 5 minutes into the game he seemed like an arrogant little prick to me and only got much worse as the game went on. I have a strange desire to kick him in the face.
I know nothing about football, but I have heard of exactly what 25th is talking about. Many people in CT hate the Patriots for this reason.

I dono why everyone loves Eli Manning so much. I don't know anything about him, but by 5 minutes into the game he seemed like an arrogant little prick to me and only got much worse as the game went on. I have a strange desire to kick him in the face.

not many people love eli, he had a rough start to the season and many people wanted to give him the boot. i am very glad he pulled it together and ended the season he did. ive been a eli fan since he was at ole miss
Actually most NYers hated Eli, but thats a very typical NY thing. I am a big Yankee fan but every hardcore Yankee will rip on every player, until they do good. Seems to be more of a NY thing than anything. All season long Giants fans seemed to hate Manning, yet in the post season he stepped up and really played well. Now the NYers seem to love him. Everyone in my family (other than immediate family) is a die hard NY fan (all NY teams) and they all follow this stereotype.

Josh, you just described Brady to me. Manning never seemed cocky to me, but watch the interview with Brady before the game. He laughed at a predicition of them only scoring 17 points and losing. He seemed real cocky, with the "yeahh, right Im Tom Brady and we are the Patriots" attitude, and in the end they didn't even get to 17 points. Must make him feel real good to see that video all over the place now!
Actually most NYers hated Eli, but thats a very typical NY thing. I am a big Yankee fan but every hardcore Yankee will rip on every player, until they do good. Seems to be more of a NY thing than anything. All season long Giants fans seemed to hate Manning, yet in the post season he stepped up and really played well. Now the NYers seem to love him. Everyone in my family (other than immediate family) is a die hard NY fan (all NY teams) and they all follow this stereotype.

Josh, you just described Brady to me. Manning never seemed cocky to me, but watch the interview with Brady before the game. He laughed at a predicition of them only scoring 17 points and losing. He seemed real cocky, with the "yeahh, right Im Tom Brady and we are the Patriots" attitude, and in the end they didn't even get to 17 points. Must make him feel real good to see that video all over the place now!

They are unconsciously comparing him to earlier QB's for the Giants. Now that he has proven himself most will let him in! (most! not all :D ) I was born raised there. Your dead on with your assessment.
I dono why everyone loves Eli Manning so much. I don't know anything about him, but by 5 minutes into the game he seemed like an arrogant little prick to me and only got much worse as the game went on. I have a strange desire to kick him in the face.

Arrogant? How so? I thought he maintained his composure quite well. As a matter of fact he is like that most of the time when I watch him play.
I hope lil Elisha Manning's career is short. He and his brother should get hurt on the field.


Haha I laugh because I don't like sports that do involve cars. Most sports I would much rather be playing than watching, but if it's an excuse to get me and my friends together to eat, drink and celebrate, then we do it.

Not sure why 90% of the internet complains, and moans or simply dislikes the Superbowl and everything attached to it. Do these people really live such sheltered lives that all they can do is complain about things that should be fun or entertainment?



For anyone who thinks different its only cause you hate them. They are a awesome team. Simply amazing is the way to put it. The only other team i like better is the Minnesota Vikings which the Pats beat all of the Vikings records. Funny thing is Moss was on both of those record setting teams. And to justify the pats loss. The Giants did get lucky, the Pats offesive line fell apart. Had they been able to give Brady the time he needed. You guys would have seen a totally different game. Something along the lines of 35 - 17 PATS.

For everybody who says the Pats suck, Sorry but your wrong. They are a great team. And as far as the Miami goes. The Pats were way better, they just didn't clinch the final game which puts them down a rank. So YES. The Giants and Miami both got lucky. Tom is an awesome 1/4 back and he'll rise next year again. I'll bet my Mustang says the Giants don't make playoffs next year. You can write that down as well...

To sum it up....


Moss will be gone.. the pats had a great season. But on superbowl sunday, they were clearly NOT the best team. Say what you want, the giants DID NOT GET LUCKY, THE PATS GOT BEAT. they DEFENSIVLY DOMINATED THEM.. The only reason why the Pats made it so fat without a loss is because they never faced a defense that gave Brady pressure.. Look what happenes when you pressure brady, he turns into a normal QB what a concept!

You're living on a cloud for you to think the way you do, no offensive line got fell apart, they were dominated by a far suprior giants defensive line. They came to play and Pwned the pats bro.

Steelers of the 70's were a better team then the pats, and Miami of 72 were a better team then the pats...

get off the bandwagon and learn some football history brother :nice:

The off season will distroy the Pats this year with the new spygate allegations, Also if you have a clue, 50% of the team is up for free agency, and you Defense is OLDDDD.. Brusci and seau will probably retire, and if they come back, they are aging. Moss will want 9mil to resign this year.. and if all this spygate stuff gets exposed as being true, i can guarantee Belichick resignes as head coach.

Teh end.

Yawn, excuses, excuses. You LOST get over it, the parade is in New York this year :nice:

Location check, k it works ;)

:hail2: :nice:
To those of you who are saying "football sucks because the team witht he better record lost"

You guys don't understand.. The whole season's point is to determine seeding in the playoffs.. It cant be like "nascar" with points and the most points wins, it doesnt work that way.

Once you make the playoffs, thats all that matters. One game and thats it, you lose your out you win you advance. The playoff seeding is fair IMO. This is a high contact sport you cant play 40 games a season. 16 regular season games is hard enough on players..

Its a love hate thing. I don't like 90% of car sports. Nascar is just too boring.. Driving in a circle for hours.. i like the crashes :shrug:

Drag racing i can watch,, but all other stuff.. just gets boring.. Football is intense IMO.. But thats just IMO.. everyone has a different one and i can respect that! :nice:
Die-hard Patriots fan here. Always have been always will be.
The Pats were outplayed by the Giants for the entire game. This kept the game close, giving the Giants the chance to score on their final 2 minute drive. Any fan who doesn't admit that the Giants were LUCKY is delusional!!
Asante Samuel misses the very likely interception that Eli throws a couple of every game?! Luck. Eli escapes a near gang-rape by the Pats defense!? Luck. He is just not that good. David Tyree catches that 28 yard pass, way over his head, by crushing the ball against his helmet while All-Pro safety Rodney Harrison mauls him?! Luck. Harrison successfully defends that pass 9 out of 10 times. The lob pass on the fade route to Plaxico Burress, that was not luck. That was a 6'5" top 10 NFL receiver against a 5'9" highly overrated CB, in Ellis Hobbs, with no help. Hey, luck is a part of the game, just as much as good execution. That is how the Pats beat the Colts, Eagles, and Ravens this year; good execution and bit of luck. Hell Belichick made A LOT of bad decisions to include: no field goal at 4th and 13. No 'Power Run' 3 tight end package that would have cut the Giants throat. Not going for the field goal the final 30 seconds etc. I could go on and on. Congratulation to the Giants and their fans, they deserved to win, they played better. It may be trite and cliche' but the better team does not always win, the team who plays better wins. The Patriots are the better team, but they were outplayed on this given Sunday.

ps. The Giants did a good job beating Dallas, Beating Green Bay was LUCK. Brett Favre gave them that game, which they kept close, tied at the end, by throwing one of his trademark interceptions in OT. Let's see what the Giants do next year...
Die-hard Patriots fan here. Always have been always will be.
The Pats were outplayed by the Giants for the entire game. This kept the game close, giving the Giants the chance to score on their final 2 minute drive. Any fan who doesn't admit that the Giants were LUCKY is delusional!!
Asante Samuel misses the very likely interception that Eli throws a couple of every game?! Luck. Eli escapes a near gang-rape by the Pats defense!? Luck. He is just not that good. David Tyree catches that 28 yard pass, way over his head, by crushing the ball against his helmet while All-Pro safety Rodney Harrison mauls him?! Luck. Harrison successfully defends that pass 9 out of 10 times. The lob pass on the fade route to Plaxico Burress, that was not luck. That was a 6'5" top 10 NFL receiver against a 5'9" highly overrated CB, in Ellis Hobbs, with no help. Hey, luck is a part of the game, just as much as good execution. That is how the Pats beat the Colts, Eagles, and Ravens this year; good execution and bit of luck. Hell Belichick made A LOT of bad decisions to include: no field goal at 4th and 13. No 'Power Run' 3 tight end package that would have cut the Giants throat. Not going for the field goal the final 30 seconds etc. I could go on and on. Congratulation to the Giants and their fans, they deserved to win, they played better. It may be trite and cliche' but the better team does not always win, the team who plays better wins. The Patriots are the better team, but they were outplayed on this given Sunday.

ps. The Giants did a good job beating Dallas, Beating Green Bay was LUCK. Brett Favre gave them that game, which they kept close, tied at the end, by throwing one of his trademark interceptions in OT. Let's see what the Giants do next year...

Say what you want my friend.. But going 18-0 for the pats was LUCK.. getting 6 shots to get into the endzone from the 10 yard line againts baltimore LUCK, Pats got breaks in every game buddy, thats LUCK and thats THE NFL.

Sounds like your a little butt hurt :shrug: On this sunday, Giants were the better team.

How was beating Green bay luck? they OUT PLAYED THEM.. NOT LUCK TO ME..

Eli hasn't thrown more then 2 interceptions in the past 6 games too so.. :shrug: :shrug: :shrug: :shrug:

How about lets see how the pats to next year, considering they will loose alot of good players from their team :shrug:

Its funny that you see all that the patriots have done as good execution, and all the giants have done as luck.. Typical delusional patriots fan... get off the wagon
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