Have an Eaton M90 Supercharger... Kit available???


Founding Member
Dec 18, 2001
I have the Supercharger Head Unit and that is it.... I have a 2000 GT.

What else do I need to install this thing? My friend gave me the Eaton M90 for free so I just need to figure out how to install it! It is the same as an Allen Supercharger system but just the supercharger.

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Well, If the supercharger came from an Allen Engines kit. Then it wont be as bad with getting stuff together. Anything that you need I have here at the shop or can fabercate for you. But, the big things that you will need to get is: Injectors (I recomend 42lb), Meter (Lightning Meter), Intake for the supercharger. You might be able to get an intake from either Allen Engine Development or Maybe Saleen (Im not sure if they will sell them seprate...I can check saleen for you though). But if saleen dose. That might be the best way to go. Since you can get the Intake for your year model. Now The other thing that you have to think of is how much boost you are wanting to run. With those superchargers, I would recomend using an Intercooler underneath the supercharger, and using an Heat Exchanger with it. I just got done doing a car simliar to what you are doing...but did an Lightning motor in it. You can use an Lightning's Heat Exchanger or 03+ Cobras. I have some bracket already made up from the Lightning though. The intercooler you can use either an Saleens or Allen Engine development (I would say maybe an Intecooler off an Lightning. But I dont know the measurements from the intakes. So not sure if it would work or not). Then you will need to get an Intercooler pump aswell, Use an Lightning's pump I have them in stock. They work awesome and they are one of the best pumps on the market...That is the major stuff. You will also need to get some little stuff. Does the supercharger that you got have an bypass on it? If not we will need to get you one of them aswell. Let me know If I can help in anyway what so ever...feel free to ask any technical questions. Good Luck let us know what you end up doing and how it turns out.
Tobias00GT said:
I have the Supercharger Head Unit and that is it.... I have a 2000 GT.

What else do I need to install this thing? My friend gave me the Eaton M90 for free so I just need to figure out how to install it! It is the same as an Allen Supercharger system but just the supercharger.


Your biggest issue is going to be the intake. Unless AED sells you one, you will have to either find something on Ebay,or make one.