Head Gasket replacment help.


Feb 11, 2006
Bham AL
I'm about to try to replace the head gasket on my 99 cobra. The shop is going to give me a price on Monday but I've pretty much decided to try to tackle it on my own. I've read about a tool that will lock the cam in place for when I remove the timing chains but haven't found out where to get it. Any information would be helpful guys.

If you have never done this repair or have any inkling of doubt, pay the shop to do it. One good way to ruin the motor is a bad repair.

Understood. I have what it take to do these things if I have good enough directions. The only way to learn is to try...I just need to get as much info as I can to see if its worth trying.
"Learning" on a dohc Cobra engine is not something you want to do. Without someone experienced to help you or having previously done it yourself, I would put your chances of success at about 10%. There's nothing I wouldn't do on one of my 5.0's, but I wouldn't even consider trying to do head gaskets on the 96 and I have a set of factory manuals for it.