Help!! 96 cobra motor?? HEADS???

Well guys finally after procrastinating all winter I took my cobra to Rodeheaver's performance to find out what was up with the tick that I had asked you guys about. Well here's the news. I have a bent valve on cylinder 3 and am getting 70% leakage due to this problem. Well he wants close to 500.00 just to pull the head and put it back on. plus he said he does not have the tool kit for the 4 valve engines because it is not available from Ford and says they charge him around 400.00 to 500.00 for him to set up the timing gears on the head again. I am in a real dilema. I have a guy that may have a set of 04 cobra heads for a 1000.00 complete minus the cams and will sell me a complete intake 99 01 style for 400.00 complete. Should I convert while I have it ripped apart and if i do what about the ecm, throttle cable, coil on plug ignition that those years had and god only knows what else is different. And then sell my heads and intake after I fix the valve to offset some of the cost or should I just fix my heads. Do you guys have any suggestions or do you have any engine parts that can help me get this done. I already blew a butload on aftermarket goodies for my car to find out this is major instead of minor. Please help.