Paint and Body Help on adjusting door to close...


May 11, 2019
Holland MI
I bought 2 new striker bushings for my doors. Driver side installed and adjusted placement so that door shuts flush and firm.

Driver's side installed, but the door will not shut flush with the body, even tho I adjusted the post as far in as I can.

How do I adjust this (photo) so that it sits more flush into the pocket?

Also...should the striker post be in the middle if the V? Or more towards the top or bottom?


  • Inked91F00B58-126C-4D17-A44A-4F5016B7459E_LI.jpg
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That door latch is OK where it is. Try removing the door to body weather strip and adjusting the door to close flush. If the weather strip has ever been replaced on that door it could be the problem.
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