Home made door panels. What TYPE of material?


New Member
Nov 2, 2004
I am going to re-tackle making my own door panels. My last attempt was met with some success, as I was to take the stock cardboard, rip it off the metal part, use it as a template for a new board, then rivet it onto the metal. Came out perfect. But recovering it with new material didn't go so well.

I used a material that was too thick, and folding it over the bottom corners left a lot of wrinkles, and the foam I used was too thick and of questionable durability.

For those who have successfully made new panels, what kind of material did you use to cover it. I am looking for something that will hold up over time and not fade, which is why I originally went with a vinyl material, yet it needs to be plyable enough to not be difficult to mend around the bottom corners.

I figure I will not worry too much about the top "crease" where the two-tone colors meet on the stock panels. I have no idea how to do that anyway. I am planning on making them solid black, with a solid black insert behind the arm rest, just using a different material like some kind of cloth.

What kind of material do you recommend for this?
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The only thing I can think of is to check with a Marine Upholstry company.

They may have some materials in stock that will work well for you.
And you may even get some install tips from them...?

To do the two tone, all you do is sew the two pieces together straight across. The two surfaces that will show need to face each other when you do it, so the back part of one will face the table and the other part faces you.