How do i smooth this fiberglass?


Founding Member
Dec 9, 2000
I'm doing some tweeter pods for my 92 gt in fiberglass. I've applied bondo and sanded but the bondo leaves pits and tracks everywhere and I can't get it all smooth. Should i applly another layer of bondo? What's the best method for putting it on? You can't really tell from the pic but here it is...
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First thing, what grit paper are you sanding with? The pits are called pinholes. When you mix in the cream harder into the filler don't whip it in, fold it over itself, this will lessen the chance of pin holes.
If your getting tracks it's because you are not sanding correctly. Let the paper do the cutting don't apply alot of pressure and make sure you are leaving enough to fill the low areas. I can tell by the pictures that you have sanded enough of the filler away in some areas and are getting into the fiberglass. Knock down all of your high spots then try putting one smooth even coat of filler on let it setup then get some 80 grit and start lightly sanding on it. That should work better.
It can look great with spray paint just make sure you clean it real good and do not touch it with your bare hands after as the oil from your skin can screw it up. It is the preparation that makes it look good or bad.