how often should you wax your car?

In Texas it doesnt rain much so a wash can last for weeks. I wax mine
every time I wash it. That spray on turtle wax is so easy to apply its crazy.
Some times I only wax the hood. My car is white, which is probably the
most forgiving color to wax, I have had black cars before and they are tough
to wax without showing any swirl marks.
V_Eight said:
To answer the thread title, you SHOULD wax it as needed. For me, every 4-6 months is needed. I wax it once every other week though.

Exactly as stated, I think you should wax when you need it. Alot of it depends too on what kind of wax you use and the kind of weather your car is exposed to. If you see alot of rain, it wont last as long. Also need to be carefull what kind of car wash you use - some stuff strips wax right off, others dont. Synthetic sealants tend to last longer, carnauba waxes dont last too long. My last wax job I washed and followed with a claybar, then used a synthetic topped with S100 pure carnauba. Very nice and warm shine, but in a couple weeks or so the carnauba was basically gone.
When I wasn't driving mine everyday, I'd wash it about once a month and it wasn't that dirty. I'd would wax it about once a month too.
But, now that I'm driving it 5 days a week, its gets a bath still about once a month and a wax every 6 months. I cannot wait until I get my DD fixed, then I can start pampering the GT again.