How to tap a Canton oil pan with main girdle installed on the motor.


Active Member
Feb 6, 2012
I'm getting ready to install a Paxton novi 2000 on my 89. I need to find the best location to punch and tap the oil pan for the oil return line on the supercharger. The motor has a main girdle installed on it. The oil pan is still installed on the vehicle. I don't know why anyone has not made any good video footage covering this at all. At least I can't find one especially with my combination of a main girdle. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks
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I have the dimensions for the stock drain hole location.
1.75" below the top of the pan.
0.5" behind the 2nd pan bolt.

Why would girdle affect these dimensions?
Thanks for the information and reply. Like they say there's no such thing as a dumb question. Lol. Since I posed the question I have successfully punched and tap the oil pan. I posed the question because of the fear of the unknown. When you are not accustomed to seeing what's on the other side of that oil pan wall the task of punching a hole in the oil pan is very undaunting to say the least. For those who have experienced with working on the bottom half of a motor and taking a oil pan off on any type of frequency gives you more familiarity with any type of obstructions and what you made damage. Not everyone has a Main girdle installed on their lower block. I felt it best to err on the side of caution and ask those who actually know versus damaging something and making a costly mistake.
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