I Have A Case Of The Mondays.

It's true, rednecks exist in Texas too! Lol. I might have done that once, years ago.

You know it's funny you say that. A guy came by this weekend to buy some stuff and we got to talking about work. I told him I work downtown in an office building and he got this look on his face and said, "you don't look like the office type."

I don't feel like one either, but it pays the bills better than the field, unfortunately.

Erhm, anyway, yes. There are rednecks in Texas. Hahaha
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Lol! At least I'm not the only one around here with black marks all over their property. My son has discovered the joys of burn outs. Watching his ol man no doubt...

...and yes, my neck is red.
"Honey? What's that Noise?......Ohh Colin!!, Are you doing one of those "I hate Mondays" burny things in the garage again? You know I don't like it when you make the whole house smell like some nasty ole car."

"Now come in outta the garage,..........and stop making all that damn noise!"
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