I need a new radiator, anyone bought one of these?

Gears & Crosses

Founding Member
Nov 15, 2001
Southern, Miss.
I need a new radiator, anyone bought one of these?

This looks good to me, what do you think?



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It looks like a nice radiator, but looks can be deceiving. I'm always hesitant with no-name parts that are for sale on Ebay. None of the feedback really mentions any experience with the radiator just the usual quick shipping, great price type feedback. I personally am running an Auto Zone 3-Core radiator in my car right now. Its not an aluminum radiator but it seems to do the job well. Plus it has a lifetime warranty so when I did my engine rebuild this past summer I was able to get a new replacement for free.
I got my Northern aluminum radiator off ebay. That one looks alot like it but you never know sometimes. The Northern that I have is a top notch piece. My car doesn't usually climb over 185* in FL during the summer with the a/c on. :nice:
Wow, thanks for all of the intelligent and helpful replies. You guys have thought of somethings I haven't.

It looks like a nice radiator, but looks can be deceiving. I'm always hesitant with no-name parts that are for sale on Ebay. None of the feedback really mentions any experience with the radiator just the usual quick shipping, great price type feedback. I personally am running an Auto Zone 3-Core radiator in my car right now. Its not an aluminum radiator but it seems to do the job well. Plus it has a lifetime warranty so when I did my engine rebuild this past summer I was able to get a new replacement for free.

I don't have a ton of experience on ebay so I not sure about this seller. When I started to think about getting a radiator I was going to get a 3 core brass. I do not have to have an aluminum one but it seems there are a lot of people happy with them. The only thing is I don't want to have rebuy a radiator later if I mod my car a lot. This car wil never be too radical however.

Do they have specs listed? I like seeing BTU specs, fins/area, etc.

Good luck.

No I don't see any specs and its quality is unknown. I wish it had more details. It just looks like a nice piece with a good price. I was hoping someone here had one.

why not just buy a griffin from summit racing for 40 dollars cheaper

I looked at that one and you have to buy a new cap and install a line for the overflow tank. Is this correct? This bumps up the price.

I got my Northern aluminum radiator off ebay. That one looks alot like it but you never know sometimes. The Northern that I have is a top notch piece. My car doesn't usually climb over 185* in FL during the summer with the a/c on. :nice:

Im kinda liking this one too. Did you use your original cap on this one? I just bought a brand new pressure release cap, thats why am asking.