The Regina crew was hanging out tonight and of course we had to run the cars a couple times. So we went out to the north quarter and I ran against a stock 05 GT. The first time he didn't hear the horn honks so that kinda screwed up that run. Then a while later we went again, with a person starter and 04 GT score 1, 05 GT no score! 
Off the line I had him and then in second gear he pulled on me a bit but then as soon as I dropped in into third it was all over! I was have to say I'm really happy with the car. Our skill levels in racing are pretty similar too, so I feel it was a pretty fair representation of the cars.
Off the line I had him and then in second gear he pulled on me a bit but then as soon as I dropped in into third it was all over! I was have to say I'm really happy with the car. Our skill levels in racing are pretty similar too, so I feel it was a pretty fair representation of the cars.