I raced an 05 GT tonight!


Founding Member
Feb 4, 2002
San Jose, CA
The Regina crew was hanging out tonight and of course we had to run the cars a couple times. So we went out to the north quarter and I ran against a stock 05 GT. The first time he didn't hear the horn honks so that kinda screwed up that run. Then a while later we went again, with a person starter and 04 GT score 1, 05 GT no score! :)

Off the line I had him and then in second gear he pulled on me a bit but then as soon as I dropped in into third it was all over! I was have to say I'm really happy with the car. Our skill levels in racing are pretty similar too, so I feel it was a pretty fair representation of the cars.
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Silvr04GT said:
The Regina crew was hanging out tonight and of course we had to run the cars a couple times. So we went out to the north quarter and I ran against a stock 05 GT. The first time he didn't hear the horn honks so that kinda screwed up that run. Then a while later we went again, with a person starter and 04 GT score 1, 05 GT no score! :)

Off the line I had him and then in second gear he pulled on me a bit but then as soon as I dropped in into third it was all over! I was have to say I'm really happy with the car. Our skill levels in racing are pretty similar too, so I feel it was a pretty fair representation of the cars.

Sweet! Good kill :nice:!
mnbf said:
nice kill i knew they wherent that fast ... my car seems way faster then then when i drove one ... then again my car isnt really stock ...

Kevin, says the guy is a little afraid to really lay into the car. But a win is a win. Kevin says next time Mike is gonna let him drive, I think I might lose then! But we'll see! lol!
Yeah I think mike doesnt really know how to handle the car to its full potential yet, or wants to baby it. However I think each car is pretty much evenly matched and it will definitely come down to the driver. It should be interesting to see who wins.. I think if it was close between you guys within a couple of car lengths im pretty sure kevin will take you no problem lol...from what I hear if you want your car to run faster, just get kevin to drive it, there is no need for any new performance parts....
So your GT is modified (according to your signature) so is this 05 modified as well or is it stock? It looked and sounded pretty stock as you guys were leaving the Dub.

I dont understand how this is a good kill when the 05 is only "rated" for 40 more HP but weighs a couple hundred pounds more.

With all your mods and upgrades you should have taken him out with no problems. Just my take on the situation.
NoNOS said:
So your GT is modified (according to your signature) so is this 05 modified as well or is it stock? It looked and sounded pretty stock as you guys were leaving the Dub.

I dont understand how this is a good kill when the 05 is only "rated" for 40 more HP but weighs a couple hundred pounds more.

With all your mods and upgrades you should have taken him out with no problems. Just my take on the situation.

The 05 is stock. But those new GTs are pretty fast cars. So I think that beating one was a pretty big deal. And it's not like my car is SUPER moded, my only performance related mods are gears, chip, exhaust and a K&N.
Silvr04GT said:
LOL! That's funny Jordan! Well we should go out and do this again with Kevin driving then. I'm up for anytime during the week or Saturday. Friday night I'll be at the Owl.
Yeah it would be interesting to see what would happen if kevin was driving...

however like other people were saying a kill is a kill..and there is no excuses... I cant wait till i can take on 05's in my 87...a long ways away though lol
Silvr04GT said:
The 05 is stock....I think that beating one was a pretty big deal......my only performance related mods are gears, chip, exhaust and a K&N.

I can see that....you actually started a thread that says it all. Good kill.:rolleyes:
CanadaStang said:
Where are you going?

It's kind of hard to explain... but I'm a member of a drum and bugle corps called the Santa Clara Vanguard (http://www.scvanguard.org) which is a member of Drum Corps International (http://www.dci.org). It's kind of like a marching band but it's on a higher level and there are no woodwinds, just brass, percussion and colourguard. We travel all over the US competing with other corps, before we all meet up for DCI World Championships, being held in Boston this year.

Santa Clara holds six world championships and is a top four finisher every year. If you go here: http://www.scvanguard.org/vanguard/index.php you'll find videos and pictures from our camps and a copy of our tour schedule.

So I leave on May 27th and I'll be back probably like August 14th.

And no, no one can look after my car while I'm gone!!! :nono: