I'd like to introduce you to someone-it's ELEANOR!!


Founding Member
Apr 9, 2002
Western NY
Well folks, she ain't perfect, not completely done, but now moving in and out of the garage under her own power, as well as sporting a yellow and black paint job (even if it is a 20 footer, and needs a washing)!!



This calls for a

:banana: :spot: :banana: :spot: :banana: :spot: :banana: :spot:


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Thanks everyone! It's been a long 5 years, and we aren't done yet. This is a "for now" rattle can paint job, that was mostly to see what color yellow we wanted to go with (medium bright is out, a version of Chrome is in-but it's over a grey base, so it's more zinc than chrome). The hood is closest to chrome and is on a yellow base, and it's a bit too "orangey" for us. We're thinking more of a Grabber Yellow. We still have a 10 point cage in our garage waiting on the guy to weld it in. We need to figure out a steering column issue, and an iginition problem (probably the switch). She needs a finished exhaust (cuts off right after the axle right now, thanks to the guy that did the pans-he had to though, it was right against them)....and probably a couple dozen more little things (including getting the grill to align properly with the hood, which also needs a little tweaking).

To quote Gone "she's sure been a lot of trouble...probably because she's the last of the Mustangs....sure is a pretty color though" Maindrian Pace, Gone in 60 Seconds, in reference to Eleanor

(although I don't agree that she's "the Last Of the Mustangs").

This car is kinda like the movie was. Not a big budget "professional" thing-a bunch of friends helped us build her (the one guy that did the major welding work's mother went to school with Halicki-how's that for a coincidence), and with the exception of the motor, tranny and some welding work (pans & pass quarter, full replacment including wheel houses, and eventually the roll cage), everything's been done at our house, by us or with help from friends.
There's a '71-'73 (I don't know the difference) Mach I sitting under a tarp near my house. It makes me sick to see it rotting, and it's even the same color as the one in the original Gone in Sixty Seconds movie. It looks solid and appears to be all original, but what're they worth? I take my son for bicycle rides by there often and I'm always tempted to stop and ask if it's for sale.
There's a '71-'73 (I don't know the difference) Mach I sitting under a tarp near my house. It makes me sick to see it rotting, and it's even the same color as the one in the original Gone in Sixty Seconds movie. It looks solid and appears to be all original, but what're they worth? I take my son for bicycle rides by there often and I'm always tempted to stop and ask if it's for sale.

If you can see the rear end, the 73's were the only ones to have quarter extensions like these (there is a rubber type piece that slides into the bottom of them as a filler between the quarter & the bumper, and it wraps around the outside of the quarter):http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/71-7...129601905QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item260129601905

the 71/72's had these: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/71-7...102384122QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item250102384122

You can see them on Eleanor in this pic:
The quarter extension is painted black, but the rubber piece is still yellow.

As far as worth, it depends on where you are and how bad it is. Options can also effect the price-like a/c, the gauge pack, fold dow rear seat, Mach trim level...Eleanor was about as basic of a Mach as you can get (didn't even have the nasa hood-which would have worked out well, except we had to replace it anyway, base level trim-as in the standard seats and door panels, no gauge pack, no ac) I've seen ones that were as rough or worse than Eleanor was go on ebay for over $1500. We paid less than $1000 and they dropped her off at our house for us.
So, anyway, here's the update: exhaust is nearly done, thanks to a friend with a shop that bent up the pipes-because NO ONE sells them aftermarket (we even hunted down pypes at woodward-no luck). Just need to put the tips on. The steering column and iginition issues are fixed (thanks to the same friend with the shop, came over and trouble shot for us). On to the newest problem-the Alt light is stuck on. Not sure why-we even put in a brand new (tested before installation) alternator. Hopefully we'll figure that out within the next few days. Then my husband will recheck the suspension, grease the fittings that need it, and she should be good to go. Oh, still haven't figured out why the grill won't alighn completely correctly in the front. I'm going to have to see if I can get it back any further by adjusting the headlight buckets. And there's a header leak, which is REALLY annoying. But the motor sounds bad a@@-I can't wait to hear it when the car is actually moving!
Well.....WE drove her down our street last night. She didn't want to shift for some reason, or so it seemed. Decided to take her home and check this out-turned around in a neighbor's driveway and she conked out on us. Hubby restared her, backed up, and she died again. Restarted again and put his foot into it a bit. Result-she left rubber for four houses and blew sideways. Whoops. Then, clank clank clank all the way home. Immediately put her in the garage should the friendly police persons be searching for the yellow mustang that cause a disturbance (not likely, it's kinda a gearhead neighborhoodand semi-rural, but ya never know). Shut her down and started looking for what was loose and clanging. Found it-the flexplate bolts came loose! We'll be retorqing those and trying this again tonight. Also found the bend up over the axle in the exhaust is too much, it hits the floor. And she seriously needs an alignment. one thing I can say for certain, this motor is one mean beastie. Now we need to get the rest of the car in working order!