If your doing a Single Turbo Convertion, Could you just Cap the end off the H pipe?


New Member
Mar 8, 2003
Park Ridge NJ
Just a question,

Say your building a single turbo setup,

You have the 2 headers going into the turbo, But then at the exit of the tubo obviosuly theres only one pipe coming out,

Could you feed that ONE pipe into the ONE pipe of the H-Pipe and the other side just block it off with something??

Would that work?

That way you could always convert back to stock whenever

Anyone knw if that would work?
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You've got to think about flow. With a turbo, you'll be making even more HP/torque than before. So flowing all of it into one side of the H-pipe is gonna restrict the exhaust flow because of the small size. To make things function as they should, have someone custom bend you a single exhaust from the turbo (probably gonna need to be at least 3", maybe 3.5") either all the way back, or if you insist on duals (why add the extra weight?) run your single back to Y fitting which splits into two pipes the same as the exit of your old H pipe. You won't need any kind of H or X fitting as before; obviously, all the exhaust is comingled at the turbo.
Yep, its going to be custom unless you end up buying a turbo kit, then it should come with whatever you need. We just fabbed up a single 60-1 hifi kit for my friend recently, he has 1 tail pipe all the way back, its 3" and looks pretty cool, IMO. Everyone thinks its a 4 banger, lol. A single 3" pipe from the downtube all they way back will work just fine up until around 500 rwhp.