Iphone 3G Apps


New Member
Jul 29, 2005
Does anyone here use an IPhone 3G and tried the PocketDyno app for their cars? It took me a couple of times to figure it out, but it is pretty cool little app that tells some cool stats on the car.
I've got prettty much all the dyno programs since they first came out. still haven't bought a solid mount for my phone yet, though. I know which one I want, just always forget about it when I have the extra $.
I think one of the mags did a test on a 0-60 iPhone app and it was actually really accurate.

I have Trapster on my Blackberry Storm and I've found not nearly enough people use it for you to rely on it telling you when there is an actual speed trap set up. Every once in a while it will, but not often enough.