IT'S ALIVE... car is running: Torque converter - transgo kit installed


Dirt-Old 20+Year Member
Dec 23, 2002
Ogden, UT
I finally found out why my car was not starting, it seem's I under estimated how much fuel I had in the tank.

Well, I just started the car again (with fuel) and took her out for a drive around the block, and it is scarry. Scarry in the sence that I hit the gas, the wheels spun and I started to loose control in the rear end, I let off the gas and drove it around the block at normal speed. I need to get it registered before I can really see what it's got.

But it's working at the least.
what converter did you put in there? When I put my 3k stall in it was a totally different car. It could actually spin out for once.

Once the aode bit the dust and I got a j-modded 4r70w it shifted good for once too.