Its been a long time

Hey all, its been an extremely long time since i have been in these parts. I was in Kuwait for 4 months and got back last month, but have been really busy with school and just getting back into the groove of things. I still have my 5.0 but I am highly considering putting my name on the list for an '08 Bullitt I just really like what ford has done with it.

I hope all is well with everyone, I am going to try to devote as much time as possible to stangnet.

congrats on making it back safe. i'm canadian, but i have nothing but respect for the people who risk their lives for their country. i guess i'm out of the loop, but whats going on in kuwait these days? all the focus seems to be on afghanistan...
Kuwait is an interesting place, its basically a staging area for our forces over there. I saw alot of things that the press really doesnt capture. The Kuwaity people are very kinda people and have a lot of respect for Americans. Maybe i will see if i can find some good pictures of my time over there.

thank you also for the respect, just dont forget the men and women that are still over there