Just killin time


Got FB banned again for saying nards
Founding Member
Nov 29, 1999
So I was :spot: down the street when i saw this hottie that was all :drool: and it made me:) So I :spot: up to her acting all :cool: and said hey you wana go for a :cheers: and she said no she gets :crazy: when she :cheers: and in the morning she :puke: and it makes her :( . So I said how about :popcorn: but she said the last one made her :cry: so she dont want to. I asked what do you wana do and she said :dead: to the sound of :rock: which made me go :eek: . So I asked her if she wanted to see my :banana: and she said :nono: so I :leaving: and went home to log on :SNSign:

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