Looking To Get My First Mustang, '14 Or '15, Help Me Decide


Jun 15, 2014
Okay so basically I have been wanting a mustang for years now. I just recently leased a turbo veloster. The car is okay, but handling is crap on it. Right afterwards I got a promotion, so I can finally afford to get a GT. Now here's my dilemma: I love the look of the '14, I love the big front end, looks like a real muscle car. I don't much care for the look of 15's front end, it looks to me too much like a fusion/taurus/camaro, and as far as I have seen theres no option on the 15 for the grill lights, which I love. It doesn't have the same muscle look in my opinion. Now what I do like better is the interior, and that it is wider and not as tall. I know the multi link rear suspension is supposed to be a big deal, but is it worth it? Is the 15 really going to be that much better than the 14?
I really am stuck. And another thing is I won't be purchasing until about february when I have a 401k loan available, then I'll have a nice big 10k down payment. By then I don't think I'll be able to order a 14 new, customized. I'm basically loosing sleep because I can't decide. Here's a picture of how I would have either a 14 or a 15 look from the stang customizer site.
My dealer told me '14s were no longer build able. To get a brand new one with the Brembo pack I had to wait a month for them to find one and trade the dealership for it. I say test drive the '15 when you're able to buy, and that'll be the deciding factor! I chose the 14 because of the slightly lower price, the rebates and incentives my dealer offered me were perfect, and I don't want to buy the first model year - I'm planning on waiting for the redesign if at all.