loud pop when opening door

Today I noticed that my driver side door was making a creaking sound when I opened it. I went and grabbed some WD-40 and sprayed the hinges to see if it would help. Instead of helping the door makes a loud pop halfway through opening it and when closing it. I can feel it popping in the door latch. does anyone know what this could be? It is driving me crazy and its only been about 5 hours. I need help!! THanks
I noticed this on my 97 GT also. It was after a day of hard launches at the track with no subframes. I believe my car twisted just enough to throw off the door alignment just a tad. Might be the same in your case. Time for subframes before it gets worse!
On the hinge in the door... there is a black rubber part.... it skipps instead of giving a smooth motion... i have the same problem... just learn to live with it i guess...
As Nuar said, there is a roller on the lower hinge. It probably has a "dent" in it (from wear). You can roll it around a little and the clunk will go away for a while. The other solution is to replace the roller but the door has to come off (a big job, imho).