Manifold - Continued

96GT Toy

Founding Member
Jun 21, 1999
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Well I picked up my Mustang at the dealer where I had the new Manifold installed.
The bill was:
- Manifold and installation kit- $585
- Anti freeze - $40
- Misc shop supplies - $9.95
- Labour - $385
- Towing - $80
- Taxes – $164.99
- TOTAL = $1264.99

Included for free were a broken windshield and inside mirror which the dealer confessed to, the windshield has been replaced but the mirror is on back order. I asked how this happened but they could or would not say. In any case the car seems to run just fine although try covering your rear view mirror and driving without it. Let me tell you that you have no idea how much you use it until you don’t have one.

The new manifold has an entire metal casting on the front where the thermostat meets the manifold. It looks much more robust than the old one. I have attached a picture of the cracked portion of my old manifold as an FYI. This little crack dumped all of my coolant in less than a minute.
The next step is write FORD a poison pen letter requesting some financial assistance, I already know the 7 year hidden warranty had expired but the car only has 67,000kms on it. Lets see if they can reason!!


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96GT Toy said:
Included for free were a broken windshield and inside mirror which the dealer confessed to, the windshield has been replaced but the mirror is on back order. I asked how this happened but they could or would not say.

What dealer was this? It sounds like they put something right through the window. Only way it and your rear view mirror could be broken.
Desrosier Ford in St Jovite, Quebec did the job, that is where I was when the Manifold failed. Don't get me wrong, they have treated me just fine for a trip to the dealer and they did step up the wind shield repair no questions, it was done before I picked up the car ast Friday.
I am going back this Friday for the week end so they will install the new rear view mirror at that time.
I guess Sh"t happens.
If I were you, I'd borrow an intake from a 95-previous year mustang.

I know it won't fit your 96, but I'd use it to slam it into the Ford Dealer :lol: . Its cast iron, so it won't shatter on impact. I can't say the same for the skulls you beat with it though. :rlaugh:

Would it have been more cost effective to get an aftermarket intake, that this won't happen to?
damn all I got to say is you got raped with no lube on the charges.....I bought my PI intake used for $75 and spent probably $100 in misc parts needed.....and sucks that they messed your car up.....I would demand a reason for the damage...It's B.S. if they say "they arn't sure" this would be a good time for you to bitch about the amount of money you had to cough up for a shiitty intake
wow can you say rape?
385 in labor??? god what do they charge an hour??
even if it was $80..that still works out to almost 5 hours!!
that seems a long time for that job :nonono:
i know some places remove the hood to do work, maybe they broke the windshield doing that? if it were me, id call around and compare prices for the same job (show them your recipt) and see what they say. then bring those quotes back the the dealer and demand an explanation.
i cant see 5 hours on that job myself...

good luck