Met the girl of my dreams today

Just a good idea to keep in your mind, When you go to the shine down concert on a Thursday night, don’t come home and start drunk dialing a girl that you have the major hots for. I don’t know how im going to dig myself out of this one.
Well the real reason that i am scared is the text message list that i have on my phone right now, let me show you

J : Where r u?
A: Shinedown concert with lane and the rocksquad girls
J: Well when are you commin home?
A: I think there is only 1 more song
A: I'm thinking about taking off my cloths and dancing
J: I thought you didnt dance
A: Only when i have had a few 2 many
A: I'm home
J: Call me

the phone conversation that followed ???????
Uh this is the Shuttle BDT to Houston. Houston, we have a problem.

It's alright. Trust me, if she has her hook set as deep as it seems you'll work out of it. Just try and remember mentioning other girls and having a few too many isnt always a good idea.
Well aparently im the man even when i have had a few to many. And im quoting what i found out later about our conversation,

J: So do you want to come over and work on our database or do you think its to late?
A: Its kinda late but i can still come over,
J: Lets just do it sunday
A: Sounds great, so do you know how to drive a 5 speed
J: Yea,
A: Do you want to use my truck untill your car gets back from the shop so you dont have to drive the rental
J: Thats nice i might do that, well i think im going to bed,
A: Jamie how did you get so beautifull
J: LoL good night andy see you tomorrow
Yep, I gotta quit. If i screw this up im going to kick my own a$. She thought it was funny. so i guess no harm, but we will just have to see. Mark my words I will NOT drink any more unless she is with me. Unless it’s fun ford weekend, or talk like a pirate day, or I get permission. My friends dont help the situation, they encourage me to be bad. I woke up this morning and was sick at the thought of loosing her. Just thinking of her with another guy makes me want to beat someones face in amnit:
Ok, you forgot your UN-birthdays.. You have to have a drink to celebrate those.

Just don't get drunk and stupid, that's when stuff blows up in your face.

A *Cough* French author once wrote about writing, if it's the first thing you think of in the morning and the last thing you think of before you go to sleep, then that is what you're meant to do. I adapt it to be, if she's the first person you think of in the morning and the last thought before you go to sleep, she's the one you need to be with.

Old mushy, but it works.
That sounds just like my life right now. Time for some comforting, today Jamie called me to tell me that she is pissed. She called the shop where her mustang is and they haven’t even ordered the parts for it yet. She was pissed let me tell you, I told her she could take my truck any time but I don’t think it helped her. She loves her mustang and I get the feeling it’s going to be another week before she gets it back. I think I might need to call the shop for her.
65stanger said:
No, just no more UNSUPERVISED amok-ing!

In addition to offering the use of your truck, you may also want to volunteer your services (when able) as chaufer! Just in case she feels uncomfortable about borrowing your ride.

yea i love amok-ing it would be a shame to let all those good college amok-ing times go.

Thats good thinking, i will offer my services
Don't let her take anything away from you, though, brother. It's like... yeah maybe cut back a little bit, but don't stop doing things you enjoy. =) If she really likes you she will just think it's funny, and you obviously don't change your mind about her when you're drunk, so it's all good. You didn't get in any trouble, nothing bad happened. I'd call this one a French battle. You know, no big deal.