Met the girl of my dreams today

BDT 1967 said:
Well aparently im the man even when i have had a few to many. And im quoting what i found out later about our conversation,

J: So do you want to come over and work on our database or do you think its to late?
[Howie Long voice]Whoops, our boy may be in trouble....[/Howie Long voice]
A: Its kinda late but i can still come over,
[Terry Bradshaw voice] Nahnahnahnahnah, He sidestepped that first tackle, he's still okay[/Terry Bradshaw voice]
J: Lets just do it sunday
[Howie Long voice] There's a lotta linemen in the pocket; he's getting knocked around.....[/Howie Long Voice]
A: Sounds great, so do you know how to drive a 5 speed
J: Yea,
A: Do you want to use my truck untill your car gets back from the shop so you dont have to drive the rental
[Terry Bradshaw voice] He's alright; he's got a man downfield![/Terry Bradshaw voice]
J: Thats nice i might do that, well i think im going to bed,
[Howie Long voice]On no! He's throwing into a lot of coverage![/Howie Long voice]
A: Jamie how did you get so beautifull
J: LoL good night andy see you tomorrow
[Terry Bradshaw voice] Wooo-hoooooooo! Completion and first down! Goal to go, baby! That's my boy! [/Terry Bradshaw voice]
:nice: :nice: :nice:

65stanger said:
No, just no more UNSUPERVISED amok-ing!
This from the guy who's climbing in a crew-cab Ranger with "Speed Crasher", a knife-catcher, and Grizzly Adams in a fishing hat!
Mustangurl2695 is gonna be the "responsible adult" in this excursion! :rlaugh:
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We didnt get to do anything this weekend, I feel kinda crappy about it also. Friday night i invited her to come to the car show with me but unfortunatly she had other arangements. That night i picked up some awsome k-state tickets so i called her up and invited her to come. But of course she had to work, so i ended up going up with one of my friends, she called when i was in the middle of amok-ing around in the parking lot of the game to tell me that she was still working 2 hours after when she was supposed to be off. She almost drove up to manhattan that night so we could amok in manhattan together but i suggested that she not, because it would have been almost 12 by the time she got there. This morning i got up and drove home expecting to hang out with her, but her work called her in :bang: for a staff meeting. Then she went to some dancething, and when she got home, we did some homework and now i am about to go to bed. It was a fun weekend but we did nothing together. I need to think of an awsome date for this week, to make up for it, bring on the suggestions, cost is not an issue, I just got paid.
BDT 1967 said:
I need to think of an awsome date for this week, to make up for it, bring on the suggestions, cost is not an issue, I just got paid.
Kick the roommates out and cook her a great dinner. Get some wine and watch a movie that you both enjoy.

She might enjoy the down time.:shrug:

Oh and you don't have to spend $50 plus on flowers, I noticed that a $5 bouquet of daisy's work just as well. ;)
If you can't cook.....order up Italian or chinese from your favorite restaurant to go.
Sam's Club has roses for $13 for Two dozen. They also have other bouquets if your not ready for roses!
No Boone's Farm!!! If you don't know what kind of wine she likes, then get a nice, slightly sweet white. Try Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio.
Man, there's a good little Italian place on the NE side of town, sorta across the street and down a bit from used to be Sprint's area headquarters on the west side of the street. It's in a little strip mall, but really good, they have a lunch buffet as well. I want to say it's on Rock Rd.
My girlfriend really likes to go to the park and feed the ducks and just walk around. Out here in CA we have a park with weeping willows and benches under them. Also, she's afraid of geese, which is funny, but a story for another time... hehehe. But yeah, why not take her to the park, feed the ducks, walk by the lake... Then take her out to dinner. After dinner, out here we'd go down to the beach and walk a long the warm shoreline... but out there hmm... I got nothing after dinner except for well... after dinner activities! =PPPPPPP That might be a good time for a "movie".
Do they have parks in Wichita? :D Yeah, I know, that's the same kind of thinking that believes that all Californians go to surf class at the beach as a high school elective. :D

Wow, you know, you can always make it a whole day thing, mini golfing, parks, dinner at home with a movie, flowers...

When my wife and I were still going to UCDavis, we would have to keep it simple just because of cost restraints, so we ended up finding some of the really cool free stuff to do in the area, and we usually had more fun doing that then going to an expensive dinner. There was a moonlight arboretum, with flowers that bloomed at night and were all white. When you'd go there on a full moon night the place would glow. It was pretty cool. Maybe you guys have something there like that.
Yeah, wassup wid dat? :scratch:

You've been getting all this highly valuable dating/courtship advice from us guys who haven't dated in over 20 years (at least the BBFCM claims it has been 20 years); and not one stinkin' pic in over two weeks! :fuss:

Your account is now overdue.... please remit two pix of the girl to "come current"; plus two pics of the hottie room-mates for "late fees"!
Ok, Ok, Ok!!!!! This week, no date has been made, but, this weekend is probably going to happen. My friend just bought a ford racing suspension for his truck so he wants to install that, but i think i can still make a date, i will just tell him i have to go. I'm hoping for something on Friday night or Saturday night, but i don’t know what yet. I will ask her tomorrow after we get out of database if she wants to do anything. Her car is still not done she has accepted the fact that its going to take a while for these idiots to fix it. However we did go have about a 3 hour study session, she is in a design class and she doesn’t know how to work macs that well, and me working for the IT department here at the school that is part of my training, so i knew how to work them. (Just a side note, never buy one :nonono: Just my personal opinion) Well pictures you all will be ashamed of me, i only have one of each so you will just have to settle for that, i have a Jamie pic and a roommates pic.




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I was going to school in San Jose, so there was no water close enough. :D

I did have automotive and computer/electronics engineering... Damn Silicon Valley geeks... :D

BDT- I'll take the roommates and get them out of your hair while you and Jamie have a good evening... I'll take one for the team. :D Nice looking group of girls. Oh and Macs are the first truly usuable UNIX systems. So they're not that bad, it's alot better than doing everything with the CLI.