Met the girl of my dreams today

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Guy's....this thread wouldent piss her off at all i dont think....she's a cumputer junkie too obviously so im sure she does this exact same thing....but with girls on myspace or something...

Its not like he's talking about his plans of double fisting or DP or anything :haha:
Nope computer is not broke. I think something bad happened. I will start from the beginning. Everything was great last week, Wednesday my friends came down from Colorado for fun ford weekend, we had a good time Wednesday night i invited jamie and her roommates over for a little party. It was a good time, I think the girls had fun and everything was good, after the girls left we decided to get out the whiskey, no big deal. We then got absolutely smashed and went over to the girls apartments for a while it was fun, and i didn’t say anything bad that i know of. That night my friends stole my phone and made several calls to Jamie’s roommate, and i think a few to Jamie herself. I was sooooo pissed. But they said they didn’t say anything bad so i had to believe them. The next day i got up and checked my computer for any exciting news on facebook (for all you old people facebook is a college network that is spread nation wide to keep up with all of your friends, you can upload pics and tell stories all that kind of crap.) well when i got on facebook i saw that i had been tagged in a new album created by Jamie and her roommates, hmmm i said, i opened up the album and it was a bunch of pictures off my camera that i forgot at their house, :nono: The album name was "Andy your a star!!!!" I laughed sooooo hard because they were all pictures of us getting drunk, it was nuts. I sent a text message to them demanding the camera back or a spanking fest was about to happen. Well later that day i got the camera back and everything was cool they were all still laughing about it. This is the last time i remember Jamie not being pissed at me. The next night we had to celebrate jeffs arrival for fun ford weekend. So we had another little party i invited Jamie but she couldn’t come, she had a friend coming down from Kansas city and they were going to hutch for some reason. Later that night i saw Jamie pull back into town, as we were walking around campus, she honked at us and that was the last time i saw her, later i saw her roommate out on her balcony so i gave her a wave and talked to her for a while. The next day i got out of bed and went outside to start working on getting my mustang ready for the show, i saw jamies car had a spair tire on it no big deal, well i sent her a text asking what happened to her tired, 6 hours later i got a response that said "Bad Things" That’s it, “Bad things” was all she said. well i just kinda thought she didnt want to say or something, well i offered to fix her tired but she never replied, Sunday i sent her another text asking if she would like to come over and watch a movie, never got a reply. Today went to database and she didnt say a word to me the entire class, :shrug: So it was at this point i knew something was up. After class i tried to talk to her but that smile that I’m soooo used to wouldn’t come out, she was pissed about something, and i think its me, but i cant be sure, I get to work and i write her a nice note on the email apologizing for anything I might have done to make her upset or whatever. Well i never got a reply from that, After work i pulled into the parking lot and she pulled in right behind me, i started talking to her on the way up to our apartments, i asked her what was the deal with her tire, she told me that she is going to have to get 2 new rims and 2 new tires but she didn’t say what happened and i didn’t want to pry because to be honest with you it seemed like a real sensitive subject, I could tell she is real mad about something and i dont know what. I don’t even know where to begin to try to fix the problem. Well after all this i decided i had to go around Jamie to get to the problem, so i sent her roommate a message asking why Jamie is upset with me or something else. I have yet to get a response. What am i supposed to do???????? I think that it might be a combination of things, mabey me and the car or whatever I don’t know. I'm tired my girl is pissed, Im going to go have a budlight and watch sports center, i will be back l8tr.
I'm just tuning in, but got the jist of the thread, I would give her some time. Let her cool donw and if she talks to you, talk back, but don't pry like you said, she might start thinking of you as the nagging BF figure.

Oh BTW, last week, I am sitting in LA(Junior in HS) and ask a fine ass chick if she had an mp3 player I could listen to. She let me see her Ipod video and while I was listening to her music, I took a peek at some of her pics. She is a model :drool: and I felt like I was gettin a semi in class :eek:

As I continue to browse her pics, I find a bunch of pics of classic mustangs and a few foxbodies, specifically one being a vert. I asked her if she liked mustangs and she said nothing is better. Then one day I am cruising with my buddy past the school, bout an hour after school ended and she is sittin in the parking lot. I call my buddy in front of me and told him I would see him later. I asked her if she needed a ride and thank god she said...."Wow, sexy car"*score!!!* I gave her a ride and we talked bout mustangs, class, and college the whole way home... only time will tell how this goes...
mustangman70 said:
damn dude....

Are you officially dating her yet? guessing not...

And to be honest with willing to bet this car thing and her tires envolved another guy...

Damn i didnt need to hear that. But how the hell do you ruin the front right rim and tire and the back right rim and tire.
My first thoughts..... you got drunk and drove her car....

But yea, more than likely something happened with someone else and they tried to showoff in her car. Maybe a friend of yours? Maybe your friends said something they don't remember?

Don't worry too much, girls are like that. Give her some time and things will come around I swear. Don't nag her, but make sure not to completely ignore her. She'll miss your company and want it back.
351carlo said:
My first thoughts..... you got drunk and drove her car....

But yea, more than likely something happened with someone else and they tried to showoff in her car. Maybe a friend of yours? Maybe your friends said something they don't remember?

I was not drunk enough to even think about driving her car, hell she wont even let me drive it when i am sober. trust me she wouldn’t let anybody impaired drive her car. What i am thinking is that maybe she got the idea from me and my friends when we were talking about hot rodding and doing burnouts. Then she probably wanted to give it a try, and then bad things happened. And now she is blaming me for what happened. I will probably just have to give her a little space and she will come around. This sucks, I dont have anybody to play with. Now i remember what it was like before i met her. :nonono:
Ok i just heard from the roommate on the left that everything that is going on has nothing at all to do with me or my friends. She said that hopefully everything will be back to normal in a few days, and that we will have to postpone the spanking time for a few more days.

My how i love going over for spanking time. :rolleyes: By the way a little side I left out of the story, Those girls were all over at my apartment the other day and they spilled their margaritas on my air hockey table, Now they are going to be punished by a little thing I like to call spanking time. They had no objections to this at the time, of course they had had a few margaritas
I know what you said, you were sort of joking as I think you are now. I'm serious, don't know of too many situations where alcohol 'works'. Ya'll are young, I'm damn near 40, not so much speaking from personal experience as I am based on experience of those around me.
You're right, Just the circle of friends that i have dont take to the idea very well at all. They dont see it as a problem, but I think that it could develop into a problem if we dont slow down, the every weekend party is fun but i think im outgrowing it. Hell the only weekends when i didnt go out to party with my friends was when i was going out with jamie. Whats going to happen when i dont have her anymore.
mustangman70 said:
And to be honest with willing to bet this car thing and her tires envolved another guy...

Why did I think that too?

Was the visiting friend a guy or girl?
Remember that to girls there usually is that one guy(or should I say the 1st so to speak) that can make them do anything. If someone else drove her car and got her to the point that she's ignoring you, this is what I would suspect.
Also take what her friends say with a grain of salt. They are HER friends, not yours. If they like you, all that means is they'll cover for her when she messes up to keep you around.
Not trying to make you feel bad, just be careful.
She blew you off for a while and made you worry. Imagine how good it would be to have that same effect on her. Just keep communication to a bare minimum and you should be able to pull it off.:nice: