Got a Microsquirt and PNP harness from EFI Source for my foxbody. It will start and run with the SPOUT out but as soon as I plug it in the car shuts off and will not start. Had a few problems at first due to the resistor in the harness touching multiple pins and ruined my TFI and PIP. Replaced distributor and now all that stuff tests good. I tested the resistor that is in the harness and it is reading 331 ohms but in the microsquirt manual it calls for a 1000 ohm resistor. Not sure if this would be causing the issue or not.
Just looking if anyone has any ideas of what else could be causing this issue. Car started and ran fine prior to installing the microsquirt and harness.
Just looking if anyone has any ideas of what else could be causing this issue. Car started and ran fine prior to installing the microsquirt and harness.